The Car Love Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by FDNY21, Apr 5, 2015.

  1. she works butys! :rolleyes: And has no headlights witch if funner cuz you feel like you driving from slenderman! :D
  2. Try and keep your posts to one rather than double posting please, thanks :D As for your first comment, me too! Got to love some of the classic cars. But as for your second comment, I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say... :p
  3. IDK Maby i said she runs real good and has no hedlights
  4. Is that legal with no headlights? It would be here at least... If it is the car in the picture you sent me too, that thing isn't running real good. It's clearly in a graveyard of rusted out cars that likely haven't moved in years :p Picture goes to a rust proof site too. Not sure what you're trying to imply. :confused:
  5. LOL jk but i have a car like it (Still Noo headlights)
  6. You have a car like it? What year/model/make is it and do you have a picture of it? Although I doubt you drive it if it doesn't have headlights.
  7. No clue how old Brand name ripped off in a crash (Driving in the field and hittin' Fences) and No clue what you mean by model.... Yes i drive it in a field during the day (DAY ONLY)
  8. Ahh, I could have this thing running and driving, in no time!
    2 months It would be a reliable rat rod.
    Hope you got it cheap, otherwise you'll be in it deep!
    Oh, and it has too many orfices! (Doors) even though the rear are suicide doors, just too many...
    AJMGames likes this.
  9. I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. Just because it doesn't have the brand name on it, doesn't mean you don't know what it is. Also, number plates should tell you how old it is, but oh no number plate? No problem, then there's part numbers on the parts that can tell you the ages. I doubt you drive in a field in the day or crash into fences man... Please be truthful here, there's no need to lie.
    Again, don't double post. It's against the rules. You don't need a make or model badge to tell you what it is, you should know what it is if you have it, especially a classic car like that.

    Also, don't advertise on my thread. That's also against the rules. Thanks.
    607 likes this.

    Ps I do have a similar veicle No headlights Broken front And no visible brand name

    And plz dont report me for making a mistake
  11. You should know the brand and model, you don't need a badge to tell you. There's identification numbers, chassis numbers etc. that you can check on these things. I'd also assume you got told what it was when you bought it or something too. If it's similar to what you just shown me then you'd know how old it was too. I'm sorry but I think you're lying, and you haven't produced me a picture of your car either which I asked for earlier.
  12. 41 Plymouth special deluxe is the Make & Model AJMGames
    AJMGames likes this.
  13. ITs at my grandmas house she bout it when she was a teenager AND i like crashing it around the field Stop calling me a liar... :mad:
  14. You couldn't produce a brand or model name, even though luckycordel could use the internet to find all the information needed in minutes. Also, I doubt you want to crash a car of its age, if it is as rusted as that then it would just fall apart, and due to the thin tyres it wouldn't be great off-road on a field anyway... I'm sorry, but you've broken a few rules in my thread and I have reason to believe you're lying here and haven't given any hard proof to prove yourself. In your first post, you lied about having that car too and then proceeded to say "LOL jk", proving to me that you have joked in this before, and therefore I have no trust here, so please tell the truth. Thank you.
    607 likes this.
  15. I think you should just move on, before people start arguing about something of so little significance :)
    hashhog3000 and FDNY21 like this.
  16. It just annoys me that people break rules and lie about things that don't matter, I just want everyone here to be posting truthfully so that we can fully appreciate everything... I was getting stressed with all of that unnecessary argument. Thanks for your post 607, you're right, from here on, let's try to keep it all calm and focused on cars we love!

    Key: This thread is for fun and to share knowledge and love, so please keep it that way! Thanks again :)
    607 likes this.