[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. We accept.
  2. Serbia would like to form an alliance with The Meterri.
  3. We will consider.
    607 likes this.
  4. Name: ALZA People's Republic
    Participating Countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistam
    National Language: English and Urdu
    Government Policies: Elections are held every 10 years to elect anyone who decided to run (Democratic). Most major parties are liberal socialist after this area had a large influx of scandinavian settlers. Policies include universal healthcare and small police force. Primary religions are Islam, Christianity and 50% of the population is atheist. Aggressive foreign policy.
  5. Welcome to New Nations 2!

    Sebia would like to form an alliance with ALZA People's Republic
    607 and Dr_Hacksaw like this.
  6. The ALZA People's Republic has begun development of a small-scale missile defence operation. These missile protectors will be able to deflect most basic projectile missiles.
  7. Also for purposes in this game, everyone can refer to the ALZA People's Republic simply as ALZA.
  8. Alliance invite is declined, however ALZA is requesting to send diplomats to build an embassy in Sebia and extend a peaceful, friendly look at relations between us.
  9. Sebia agrees however would like to be able to do the same in return.
  10. Certainly!

    2/6 Missile Defence
  11. Sebia would like to form an open borders agreement with ALZA. This would allow our populus to travel between the 2 nations easier.
  12. Agreed, but with one deal. People are allowed to be scanned by our border guard before entering ALZA. So not completely open borders, but they don't require a passport.
    607 likes this.
  13. That is acceptable. Sebia actually requests to do the same to control movement.
    607 likes this.
  14. Due to the neglect of the RoC's people due to their government's inactivity, the European Commonwealth has 'usurped' their countries. Iceland and Greenland have been handed to New Kalmar, and the Caribbean has become a state of the European Commonwealth. New Kalmar has also backed out of the Netherlands due to a popular vote that they would prefer to be independent from NK, and have temporarily become a state of the European Commonwealth.

    The EC would also like to extend an offer to the SCAU to join the High Council.
  15. The SCAU accepts the invitation with gratitude.

    The SCAU extends an allyship to ALZA.
  16. Bakaara United News
    • We would like to form an alliance and propose open borders with ALZA. We would also like to build an embassy there for diplomatic reasons.
    • The armor the BLS was working on is complete. Dubbed the "Black Widow", it is able to withstand bullets from up to 10 feet. All soldiers will be equipped with this new armor. [2 posts]
    • The island of Crete now belongs to Bakaara United. Half of everything (Police, Military, Citizens, etc.) has been moved to Crete. Anti-air turrets and anti-ground turrets are currently being set up along the coast in in-land. [2 posts]
    • An airport and port is being set up at Crete. [2 posts]
  17. Yay, we're (sort of) independent! :D
  18. You should so join the game as the Netherlands...
  19. I'm always debating, but I think I'm going to fail hard xD
  20. Alliance invite is declined. ALZA would like to request to build an embassy in the SCAU.

    Alliance under consideration. Open borders in denied. Embassy is accepted, we would like to do the same.

    In other news, missile development is almost completed. 4/6 The ALZA military has seen a sharp rise in growth lately due to an increase in nationalism. Many citizens are beginning to see the country of WASWAS to the west as a threat that we need to defend against.