Funny Staff Moments!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by NickkG, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. See signature :D
  2. This one is kinda old

    I have this moment, too! It was back before sam was a staff member!
    ChespinLover77 and Hashhog like this.
  3. all hail.png All hail samsimx master of all
    B4DMAN5IMON, hashhog3000 and samsimx like this.
  4. 2015-04-09_15.43.05.png
    3 mods on. This (insert animal here) smells trouble.
    Can I... maybe... steal borrow that ban hammer from you, Soccer?
    First Socks has a(n evil) moment and Matheus punishes him for it, and then Socks gets his revenge.

  5. Screenshot (32).png So, this happened today.
  6. What texture pack is that...
  7. Dang, just about to post that one, and I got caught up in the middle of that one lol
  8. High on Sugar
  9. Does Krysyy need to put a restraining order out for Uber_Corq to protect him from Aphaea? :p
  10. To be fair, I really was trying to murder her. :oops:
    PenguinDJ and MrSocks75 like this.
  11. Do we need to arrange private Mod hunting lessons to get you up to speed on the art of killing staff members in-game Uber? :p
  12. Nuuu... No Aphy killing!! D:
    ChespinLover77, Roslyn and Sambish like this.
  13. Yes murder alphy jk or am i
  14. Well, if Aikar and Maxarias are still around these parts, here's a little story about them:

    It was Minecraft 1.2.5. I was on my old account ( Ryuga_XI ) when they both popped onto SMP1 while I was walking around in town. For some reason, I decided to mess with them.

    I knew that they were in the same room in reality ( I asked them what they were doing in real life ) and so, I PM'ed Aikar saying: " Hey, why don't you kiss Maxarias or something? Just to mess with her." 5 minutes later, Maxarias PM'ed me, saying: "Thanks. Aikar just gave me a big, wet, sloppy kiss and I loved it."

    I'm not entirely sure if this is 100% accurate, but the story is definitely true. You can ask Aikar or Maxarias, but I don't know whether they still remember.

    And lastly, I apologize for the lack of screenies. See, I play on an iMac and screens are hard to take. So, yeah.
    ChespinLover77 and Doorfne like this.
  15. Did some cleaning up in my screenshots folder and found these:

    Pretty sure this was post firefloor/sheep sacrifice:

    I have no context for this...

    Because bold is the best colour :p
    Mmm bold.png