Plays this music while reading the thread: But seriously for a moment then I go back to my easy going self: For members here just to hate or have unwanted grudges against Icc. Just let it go and be a adult about it for once. Emc staff is trying to make a tribute to Jeremy for his time he spent here and what did for the community remember that. Now back to topic at hand Emc community brain storming on Icc Tribute.
Since IcecreamCow never made a characteristic build like Justin did, I suggest that we make the centerpiece somewhat simple, and let eight players fill the surroundings with the best and funniest tribute builds. For the centerpiece, make a garden and fill it with 50 cows and 50 mushroom cows. EDIT #1: If you want to you may use the design at /v 1111 @SMP1 for the centerpiece.
one huge TNT block, but instead of writign TNT on it make a pixelart of an udder? or a cows head? EDIT: and add lots of lava things to depict anarchy. Coz ICC was one anarchist cow
Something interactive would be good? Perhaps parkour would be a bit clichéd, but maybe a maze (or were we going a bit OTT, even some sort of mob-arena somehow involving killer cows)? Notice these ideas could be hidden inside the erm.. giant cow udders or whatever haha.
i think for the centerpiece make a cow turning into a player in a way to sort of show evolution/change. and then have builds made around it just like this past event
I think it should be a flying ICC dropping lots of goodies that are impossible to pick up, tribute and troll all at the same time.
Another idea: ICC hosted a ton of events in his time. What if we just created a crazy scene that combined all of them into one epic memory? Cow's Canvas (Some of the cow-face heads and some of the udders shooting TNT/Milk along with a #Selfie zone) Valentine's Day Hunt (Trees and ground with cow heads all over them) ICC Birthday Event (The cakesplosion - I think this could definitely be awesome) Various death events (Lots of hostile mobs/heads and TNT everywhere, perhaps some redstone "blood" spattered here and there) ICC Head Drop (Platform with ICC heads at the bottom) Dragon Pooping (obsidian laying around in clumps) Anything else Other than that, I'm a firm supporter of the beacon udders idea.
Funny... I guess I could count my recent parkour course on SMP 3 at /v 6217 for this... It is quite an awesome site and seems like something he would do.
It should be a giant Pixal art of the IcC skin standing on a platform in the middle of a melted/mixing Ice cream flavors
2 statues, one of IcC on with udders, and another IcC sitting beside him, milking him. See, there will be 5 udders, each represent something he brought to EMC; caring, fun, compassion, order, and a firm hand of justice. It also represents the fact that IcC gave his very essence to EMC, not through the force of someone else, but by his own decision. It was freely given to us by him, and just as milk nurtures an infant in its most vulnerable days, IcC nursed EMC through its weakest days. OK, that's a lie, I just think it would look cool/funny.
dang it! Dwight! That video sent me on a long journey of movie clips. -_- Thanks, it was fun. hmmm, now what was it you were saying again? Oh yeah! I agree. =D