Wastelands Reset and Tentative Schedule Announced 2015!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. You need to have a specific amount of trophy points. You get trophies for having a specific number of posts, likes, or days on the forums. Here's a link to a list of all the available trophies: empireminecraft.com/help/trophies
    You don't need all of them in order to become a "well-known member" though.

    Yes she is, krysyy is also a person :) That she does a lot for us and has much to do at all times doesn't mean she can't talk to new people and be social ;)
  2. To make sure you should definitely pinch yourself to make sure you are awake :p
  3. Keep posting normally and you'll eventually be "Well Known".

    To clarify your situation and to build on what Krysyy said: Have you been building in the Waste for sure? Do you type /wild, or /waste to get there? If it is /waste then you'll want to pack up your things. If it is /wild (The Frontier), no worries.
    ShelLuser, crystaldragon13 and 607 like this.
  4. Or become addicted to these forums like I did; then you'll become well known while you actually consider yourself a newbie (I am not kidding here).
    Gawadrolt and crystaldragon13 like this.
  5. Yay, new dungeons and horse hunting :)
  6. The nether waste always gets reset as well this causes for there to be more Quartz blocks around
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  7. Hi Everyone, If you love EMC, Please like and reply , Yours truly Eve :p ;)
    ShelLuser and Sn00bDog like this.
  8. I like EMC, but why are you saying that in this thread? :)
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  9. After reading thus far into this thread I am once again reminded about why and how much I love this community.
    I wish I could just hug it. <3 :D
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  10. H
    *HUG* ;)
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  11. Hey now! Watch your hands mister!
    Gawadrolt and crystaldragon13 like this.
  12. I like the timer on the front page!
    ShelLuser, Pab10S and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  13. Exactly, That's why we have a "Wasteland", so miners have a place to gather resources without destroying the "Frontier".
  14. Just realized that I'll be at a band festival when it resets. When I get back I'll have to mine Quartz for a week.
  15. However, some people do not know that and use them interchangeably.
    Frontier is pretty much destroyed anyway (on smp8)
  16. IDK , no one really looks at my page
  17. 3 months seems a bit frequent. I've been taking a month-long sabbatical from MC and I've only just learned of this reset 3 days before it occurs. Lucky I decide to log on today. It's not a huge deal, I just have some active mines and test structures I would like to harvest.

    I don't even bother going to the frontier because it's just so haphazard, so I spend most of my time in the waste. If it changes too often it will become a chore to set out for a long-term mining operation.
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  18. It might seem frequent and maybe every 4 months would do but in any case, now that you know, if you disappear you should have an idea when the next one is. With that, you can plan ahead.

    Another idea is to double the size of the waste and have more outposts, I doubt spreading them would help as much because people want lots of clear terrain close to the outposts (scaredy cats! ;)). I'm all for /waste NNE, ENE, SSW, etc. Hehe. With double the outposts would we need to do it only 6 monthly? I would think so.
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  19. The waste is hardly utilized as it is. That's not really the issue.
    I could settle for every 4 months.
    ShelLuser, 607 and M4nic_M1ner like this.
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