Wastelands Reset and Tentative Schedule Announced 2015!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Feb 17, 2015.

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  1. Lukafolz , who is quartz?
  2. Only reason I'm responding despite of what has already been said is because I know you guys (smp2 ftw!) and there's something else to consider which hasn't been mentioned yet...

    But if the staff would safe the waste then where would we get our new ores and goodies from? Because slowly, but steadily, we're cleaning it out! :cool:

    So my suggestion: instead of going /waste try going /wild (a little pun intended, sorry ;) ).

    Grab all the stuff you put in your base (I've seen your rooms, cool structure!, but a move should be doable) and then get into the wild. Where the real tough guys and gals hang out ;)

    You really don't need to go thousands of blocks into the Frontier to be able to build something. That is only required if you want to establish an officially recognized outpost. But a (relatively) small cool base of operations? I doubt that anyone would mind (depending where you build it ofc., don't dump it into someone's back yard ;)).

    That's what I'd do. And you know: the Frontier (/wild) doesn't get reset.

    If you need to know more or could use some help just poke me when I'm on smp2 (which I am usually). I'd be glad to help you guys. Just for credibility's sake: check Aussie's res. if you wonder about trusting me. He does ;)
    crystaldragon13 and 607 like this.
  3. Sorry iCrazyEvestar but there are plenty of mentions that the waste will be reset and you shouldnt build permanent structures, in fact, every single time you connect to the waste it tells you the waste can be reset without warning (krysyy, rainbow, can I suggest a change to WILL be reset)

    It's a shame you havent paid attention to this in the months you have been going to the waste but have a look at the waste and you will see it needs a reset.

    Good luck getting stuff out and if you need a hand, I can lump some gear for you to your new /frontier home or into town.
  4. I trust you ShelLuser , you sound a trustworthy person
    607 likes this.
  5. See? I knew it ;)

    /waste (Wasteland) isn't the same as /wild (Wilderness / Frontier). See my previous message.

    Also, if you get into the waste then you really do get a warning:

    Not my intention to go "they told you so" but... I think they really tried hard to make this very clear to us.
    607 and Perry_Stahlsis like this.
  6. Everyone has their own opinion, so stop getting on at me. My family has a saying that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it
    ShelLuser likes this.
  7. Well thanks for your support on this. I do disagree with a reset of the frontier on every major update tho. This is because I also like to do more elaborate builds too. Seeing those disappear because Mojang polishes things (internal code structure) and adds features for adventure mode (both, most of what 1.8 is) seems quite counter intuitive to me. I would be frustrated to no end if that happened.
  8. Tried very hard? I would say they went well above and beyond any of my expectations when first trying out the servers. This clear communication and professionalism on the part of their staff is a large part of why I joined. :)

    I remember thinking to myself before I entered the wastes "OK now. I hope they have something that makes it obvious we shouldn't have structures here." And yes, they did. The big bold red text told me that a) they were serious about the reset, and b) they were serious about keeping players informed about the rules and such. :)

    The fact that it's being reset is of no big surprise to me. The every 3 months bit I find, as a software developer, a bit odd, given the amount of effort Krysyy has mentioned it takes. But that is their current business strategy. It means more ores for us tho. So I'm not complaining. Just expressing sympathy to those who get to do the work involved in an reset.
  9. Evestar, I don't see anyone trying to do anything other than inform you of what they know, and backing it up with a screenshot. Really we all do sympathize with how disappointing this must be to learn your structures will be going away. With that said, EMC tried very hard to make sure everyone knew. Folks have just been telling you how they managed to know it.

    When I signed up, this fact was beat over my head. I had to answer questions in a tutorial, and have been an active member on the forums, and have paid attention to the warnings and such that get put up into the chat window. They're there for our benefits as players. It just sucks you had to learn this the hard way. I hope you and your friends do manage to reestablish yourselves in the /frontier. Your structures will be permanent there.

    Happy Mining!
    Gawadrolt, crystaldragon13 and 607 like this.
  10. Trust me; I'm not trying to be mean here. The only reason I posted that was to point your attention to it, nothing more. I'm sorry if that upset you.

    In the mean time; I suggest we move on (as by your request even). I'll set up a conversation between aussie and you (aussie can invite the others) so maybe we can talk about how to get your stuff safe & sound.

    No worries; we'll work this out.
  11. Team spirit! I like it!
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  12. Ok shelLuser , meet me at SMP2 at 2:20 where we can discuss this
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  13. Awesome. I might actually be able to find a village that has not been raided down to the bedrock.
    BevK56 and crystaldragon13 like this.
  14. If the wastelands won't reset around 1.8, I think we got a target time range for Empire Minecraft to update:
    Before June.

    Having the wastelands reset in June with the changes in 1.8 would be an ideal time for me. By then, I'll be on summer vacation.

    But whether or not wasteland reset will follow after every major MC update, we have to give the staff the time. Akair said he wants to fix current bugs on EMC, prior to working on 1.8.
  15. As enticing of a prospect as that is, I've not seen anything official saying when a 1.8 upgrade will occur. Aikar is crazy busy right now according to a post of his a couple of weeks ago. So we'll get it when we get it. And we'll be happy when we do!
  16. Speaking of the waste, I went on a mining trip today. To get back, I used live map. I had to head south, but I saw a stone brick pathway in the distance. Thinking it was to spawn, I headed on it. It was a long walk with a LOT of mobs, but my good thinking of getting on that pathway got me to spawn without dying! :D
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  17. I think you may be confused between the FRONTIER wild and the WASTELANDS wild.
    -The FRONTIER never resets. That is where you are meant to build your bases and permanent structures and where you are discouraged from strip mining for resources.
    -The WASTELANDS resets every couple of months to allow players to have access to fresh materials. Every time you go there, a reddish-orange message pops up on screen telling you to not build any permanent structures there because it will reset.
  18. He means Nether Quartz, the ore :) (I assume)
  19. Thanks for explaining 607 how do you become a well known player?
  20. Thank you for the tips krysyyjane9191, have you really replied to me or am i going insane?!
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