February 2015: Show Your Love!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. taco bell u da real mvp 2015-02-08_12.00.08.png
  2. I love SMP8 because.....
    The builds are great.

    The chat is funny.

    It's just plain awesome!
  3. Here are my loves, i know its 2 things.. but one picture :D
    its my pet and my sappling :D
    my most priced possesions <3

    AnonReturns and TheZombieKing like this.
  4. I Love horse! Because they are cute :D ^
    LEORYAN10 likes this.
  5. I love my voter's boots, you have no idea how many times the feather falling V has saved my life :D

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  6. bandicam 2015-02-08 17-08-07-294.jpg
    Because - Chrisflareon is the best friend ever and well, we have a little things going on <3
    *awquard moment*
  7. Like that base of ours in smp9's Frontier we need to work more on...? xD
    Bro_im_infinite, 607 and Chewsy4 like this.

  8. I Love Frank because he always protects me from monsters <3 :)
  9. yea!
  10. I love my Perfect Librarian because I can trade my paper for lots of emeralds.
  11. My valentine is Creepers ;) I've loved creepers ever since they killed with 40 diamond blocks. I got so attached to them I had to keep going to them and killing them because of my love for them.:rolleyes:

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    minanela3, khixan and krysyyjane9191 like this.

  12. I love books because a lot of history is contained in them. :)
    minanela3, BevK56, khixan and 2 others like this.

  13. Me with my Voters Shears, underneath a birch tree.
    This is on my res on /smp7, which I love even though it's really disorganized and dark. :)
    You can also see my brand-new infinite paper villager, Walter (TY to my brother for that lovely name :D).

    Love Valentine's Day! It's great to see what awesome (or weird) things the members of the EMC community love. :p
  14. I need a why in there...
  15. I <3 my Cotton Candy tree!:pI love it because shes pink and yummy! 2015-02-08_09.43.18.png
  16. Wonder where that came from...
    PineappleGem and bloodycrap101 like this.
  17. Aphaea and me, a few months after we met.
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