Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. Still black on the livemap i have walked around :(
    607 likes this.
  2. How long do you need to stay and wait at once place before it get visible on the livemap ? 2 nights 4 nights ? And still not heared anything about when its maby fixt.
  3. live maps have always been buggy in somewhat but why are you concerned about this 32x16 black spot on live map?
  4. Well, after 20 minutes and logging out, and zooming in on livemap it finaly is visible. for me livemap where fine.
    ANd black spots are very bad, sofar i know with upgrade to 1.8 black areas get rerendered. and the terrain can be complete different from whats next to it and you get some ugly design. Ubless the whole wilderness is already prerendered with landscape but only hidden on map. that would sound weird because im told different in the past.
    607 likes this.
  5. 607 likes this.
  6. smp6 seems to be getting major lag, nd not just me everyone no matter where u are,
  7. it's really fast for me
  8. Did you /tps it?
  9. Whats wrong ? lots opf lag sound thats running behind or lost, connections that get closed, you get kicked out. and when you login you discover that you done work for nothing. :mad:
    BilboBaggins23 likes this.
  10. When ever I connect to smp6 it just starts lagging and kicks me out.
  11. Quite the lag, I'm on smp7, I've lost connection a couple of times.
  12. yes i also am having some problems... Placing items .. Can see that the item is placed but its still in my Inventory ..:confused:.. Also getting lagged out a few times
  13. Lags then kicks :(
  14. The SMP8 lag is ridiculous. I just lost most of my best gear because the game lagged and while I couldn't move at all a ghast knocked me into lava. Also nearly fell in numerous times because of block placing lag.
  15. Have got disconnected from server, barely made back and it is extremely laggy (at least on smp3, no idea on other servers). Takes like 5-6 seconds to pickup items and for placed blocks to disappear from inventory. Gave up on trying to go through nether portal.
  16. it was the same with smp1 and smp7, its fixed now
  17. i am also in the nether ... but when i noticed the lag spikes and the kicks i decided to hide til its over .. best thing would be to do that..
    607 likes this.
  18. Major issues with the server today. It is repeatedly and steadily kicking people and
    dropping connection. At first there were spans of time between where the game was
    playable. However, now it's happening so fast, that it's not even worth trying to log in.

    Not sure what is going on, but I'm done trying to build right now until this can be fixed.
    ChrisFlareon and ClareMuss like this.
  19. your signature entertains me XD that would make a kid not want to eat oreos anymore
  20. Bit too late now unfortunately
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