Justin, Your a boss. Actually, all of EMC, you guys are bosses. Justin, your more of a boss though. I've only been on this server for 4o day, and already you have added 3 server. Cool. Also, this is the best run public server I have ever seen. EDIT: Quick question: Is there a forum for suggestions?
So many servers. I started right as SMP3 went up. I might not be the oldest of members, but i've definitely watched it grow into an even more amazing thing. Lets keep it up EMC!
Yes. To Justin & the EMC team: Boundless energy, infinite time and space, how do you manage to cram it all in? Brilliant
I remember the day I first got a Res on SMP1, back when you did the big residence no. expansion on good ol' SMP1. Feels like yesterday :')
Justin your idea's just keep getting better :O...Im willing to bet EMC will become the official server of minecraft
With 25k members we are well are our way seeing as we have only existed for 200 (give or take a few) days I definitely do bet we will become official