So let me get this straight. You make fishing impossible in the arenas, then COMPLAIN that the water is gone?
This whole case stinks. If you're fishing for fish at the no-fishfishingpool, you'll be the bait for the non-fishingfishes at the no-fishfishingpool. Shameless advertising SkareCboi's youtube video;
To be honest, I liked having water in PvP because I have a tendency to get set on fire XD But I don't mind it being gone to stop fishing as I'm close enough to getting the Voter's Fishing Rod anyway ^_^
They Removed Fishing Flag! At PvP! We Must Get Fishing Back! Fish Everywhere you can! Don't get in trouble doing it though
Don't take this the wrong way but can you just rethink all of your ideas for a good long time because you seem to change your mind a lot.