You should not bump a post until six hours have gone by with no other posts unless it's an auction, in which case the waiting time is three hours.
Wow, glass? I hope they'll change that back soon, it really changes the arena a lot... Not sure, but I thought every thread was three hours nowadays?
Really? I wasn't aware of that update. Once again, this tends to be considered a bump, so I ask that you please look back at my previous message.
this what happens when we complain about a small thing, it gets out of hand. If you guys waited the bug would have been fixed with out delay. #Get Water Back
There are three threads of you that are about the same subject now, and none of them have the red text
You guys will get water back when Aikar makes the rods take damage as that was a bug. Your precious water will be back to normal after the bug is fixed
Well if you want it back, what you're going to do is wait patiently for fishing rods to be patched - otherwise I'm sure Aikar might decide against readding it since you're spamming this thread right now, and breaking the bumping rules.