[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. There is already a sign after exiting the portal into the castle infroming about Carthaga Rail and poitning towards castle exit. All one needs is to look around the corner to find it. If you worry about griefers this much to put as many obstacles for one joining Carthaga as you can,you might aswell delete this thread and destroy the castle,cut off the rail part going to main portal and castle and force anyone willing to join go in Overworld.
    Having those directions is better for everyone.
  2. I kinda want to join carthaga. I'm going to head there now.
  3. Hero, if you still not know the way, I'll come to smp-town and show ya the way
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  4. Actually, I'm almost there.
  5. Where am I supposed to make a house?
  6. Alright, I'll get on later, and thanks for the help. But now I'll have to restock my supplies.
  7. Find an open plot then build it there
  8. I'm on now...
  9. Is this still an active outpost? It look really interesting, so I thought i'd visit and check it out!
  10. Yes it is active
  11. Scorpio trying to save my post-to-like ratio, lol
  12. why not start a new post just for members. i dont know much about these but is there a chance to lock one and only allow members to read it. then we wont have others knowing whats going on.
  13. In principle a good idea and could be done in private conversations (PMs). But one conversation can only host 11 participants, so not everybody would be able to join.
    The thread is important to make Carthaga known to new people and represent this outpost among the others.
    On the other hand, if we decide to not being 'open' anymore, then I can edit the opening post and take out critical information.
    If you think this is a good idea please ask the committee (Suriyakeng and Sweetcutey) to make a poll for all members to decide which way we go.
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  14. i think both ways i like idea of new members but also like keeping others out but i am like most of you all got alot of trust in others facebook is also another option for members make a group page where we can post things we want to do and need for only members and still have this going as well to try to get more members to help Carthaga expand into a booming empire
    Kaizimir likes this.
  15. Hey! I recently tried to pay a visit to PoC, but the entrance system was broken! On the block the button was supposed to be on, there was nothing! (N0 block...) So, I'm still in town on smp4...
  16. I ll be online soon (1-2h from now) and have some business in town. I can pick you up...
  17. Glad to be a member! Can't wait to get involved in future projects and expeditions!
    Kaizimir likes this.
  18. We are happy to have you :) It was awesome to read your logs and being puzzled by them. First I actually thought Robert_Collins_ is just fiction, but then Suri told me that he met you, lol.
    I put you in the list of members - second post on the first page, open the spoiler with title ''Members and Ranks''
  19. Hey, you don't have to pick me up. For the most part, I know how to get there, it's just the redstone door is broken.

    Also, have I been added to the member list? I have a little plot thing that I live on there, and am now a member. Just wondering if I was on it.
  20. yep, you are on it :)