More Moderators Incoming!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. "Mod cubes! Get your mod cubes here! Only $15 for 5 cubes!"
    PenguinDJ and hashhog3000 like this.
  2. So you are selling Mod cubes? is there a deal if u get multiple sets like 4 sets for $50? :p
  3. #newpromo

  4. ...hehe
    PenguinDJ, 607, AliceF3 and 5 others like this.
  5. It needs to be an emerald block.
  6. xD :p
    But emeralds look more like Senior Staff.
    so it should be green wool o3o
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  7. *light green wool
    Edit: this made me sound like a perfectionist, lol
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  8. I concur, it should be gold for moderator, emerald for senor staff, and diamond for Admin that when crafted to diamonds, it produces a stack of diamonds. :3
  9. I tried okay :eek:
  10. No. Purple is the most majestic (admins). Light green is minty fresh. Green is heavy minty freshness. The rest is normal mc items.
  11. obviously not enough :eek:
  12. hehe lol I just thought gold is what EMC uses as their logo but yeah yeah ;)
  13. Gah. I wish there was a way to recommend people.
  14. well there are not any ore blocks that represent moderator, dark green, and admin, purple, so :p
  15. You could just PM IcC or Max xD
  16. well I say in 1.9 or future update that they should add a purple ore of some kind
  17. Wouldn't recommending people seem a little biased?
  18. What have I started...
  19. You started nothing Qwerty :3
  20. Can I apply again and get double mod?