1.7 Update - Still a bit away

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Nov 13, 2013.

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  1. There will be new NW/NE/SW/SE outposts added 750k out so they will give access to the new Terrain in the Frontier.
    FirstJugBurgerz, mba2012 and 607 like this.
  2. Once we get 1.7 just venture farther out to unexplored land.

    Also I think there is a plan to make more outpost's farther out in the wild that will be 1.7 land.

    Edit: Ninja'd buy aikar :p
  3. I'm not sure if Aikar said this before, but otherwise "SPOILED AGAIN" :p
  4. Small update: https://twitter.com/EvilSeph/status/401370948554997760

    Bukkit may have a dev build out soon - but that does not mean we get to update anytime soon.

    These first releases are going to be so extremely buggy and broken (likely worse than 1.3!) and we also have to wait for Spigot to update on top of that, and we then also have to update our stuff on top of spigot!

    But... At least its looking like a "1-2 week" window is more safer to say now than before.
    mba2012 likes this.
  5. What if we just say it's most likely to come by the end of the year and we are all happily surprised if it turns out to be earlier:)
    RainbowChin likes this.
  6. Well, you can make new creations in the outposts that are located even further :)
  7. Great! I can finish my bridge, and have time to look over where I want the stained glass to be placed after its done! Keep up the good work!
  8. Permission to use excessive profanity? /Kidding=P
  9. .....................So much for a mature experience on EMC
  10. Mature experience you say?
    jkjkjk182, Todd_Vinton and princebee like this.
  11. Haha That is great Sky
    SkyDragonv8 likes this.
  12. There really isn't any hurry. We will enjoy it when it comes out, and get killed by enraged mobs while trying to find hardened clay and whatnot.
    Olaf_C likes this.
  13. nice solution
  14. To be honest I wasn't that impressed with the clay blocks, but the Mesa biome as a whole looks awesome.
  15. Red Wood Trees look great, just hope they don't have drop percentage jungle trees have.
  16. Jungle trees drop stuff? ;)
    607 likes this.
  17. Dark oak trees drop enough to get more saplings with every tree you chop, provided you don't plant them right next to each other.
    samsimx likes this.
  18. You know what I mean.
    Curundu likes this.
  19. basically, this means that there is no reason to suspend the derelict policy since it is possible to play 1.6 on multiplayer and 1.7 in singleplayer easilly
    607 likes this.
  20. Even though EMC takes a long time to update, in my opinion it makes easier for miners like me to prepare for what I'll need in this update, especially when you're a mall owner. As a shop owner, I would hate having to get an unexpected announcement that the servers have updated at the same time SP does, and that means everyone is already way out there in the wild looking for new biomes, and I'm slacking. :p
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