how about the ability to ingame vote for a tag to be removed, once 10 people say the tag is misleading it is taken down?
Is there any way to see a list of res's with a certain tag yet? For example, could you type something like "/tag mall" and see a list of all the res's on your server with "mall" as a tag? If it's not implemented yet, that's fine. I just didn't see anything about it.
are the numbers limited to 20 tags per res or 20 total and are there pre set flags or could some on add /res tag add sdglhsdgklsdhg
First sight of this thread: Oh wow, tagging, awesome! Thoughts as I check alerts: Wait, I bet it will be only for supporters or something. Reading thread: Regular Members get 2 tags. Counting needed tags: Hmmm, I have a Museum, a Hotel, a Shop, a Racetrack, Archery... Two Seconds Later: I wanted diamond anyways... Looks like I'll be getting supporter sometime! Great idea here!
You can make up any tag you want. I could do /res tag add ahsdfljkabljcv and anyone that did /v +ahsdfljkabljcv would be teleported to my res. Wouldn't be very useful for me or others though.