Empire Minecraft 1.2 update status

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. We will continue upgrading the servers throughout the evening :)
  2. Thanks! I cant wait to go on Smp4 and collect rupees! Thanks again for all of the hard work your doing =)
  3. Yes, I can finally play Empire Minecraft in 1.2! This is going to be so fun, but may I ask: Why are you applying the update in a random order? Just asking :)
  4. Yay!! ;) Smp5 is up, thank you very much
  5. Hey Justin, are you working on any server now or the four other servers will be tomorrow?
  6. Is smp4 up yet?
  7. i cant wait to start taming some ocelot creeper guards! :D
  8. And right now, of course, your upgrading the server that nobody has even been on yet, smp7. Woow.
  9. I would like to have smp6 up, THEN smp7. Simply because... ALL MY STUFF IS ON SMP6 :mad:.... :(
  10. A "certain server" was upgraded first so the staff could test it out for bugs and problems before it was released on the public servers. It is a common practice here as we like to make sure everything is running smooth first hand. This way, anything major could be caught and Justin could fix it before it becomes an issue for other people.
  11. This is simply common sense
  12. I know what the "certain server" is :)
  13. what are the coordinates of the north spawn from smp1??
  14. And now we just need the server shop to dispense bottles of enchantment, the xp calls to me :O
  15. Can we have some sort of status board for the servers that are up?
  16. The first post is a status board (crossed out servers). Also the upgraded ones have a note: http://empireminecraft.com/servers/

    The rest WILL be tonight, I am working on them now
  17. On the home page, the list of servers to the right of the page currently show which ones are running MC 1.2.3
  18. Excitement abound!
  19. So far I don't see any difference in lag between 1.1 and 1.2 on SMP5! Great job guys!
    JustinGuy likes this.
  20. Yes!!! So all Smp servers will be done by morning?
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