Empire Minecraft 1.2 update status

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. I reckon that would spark alot of uproar. With people having grinders, chests, buildings and valuable items in the wilderness i think a good week or so of warning would be needed.
  2. I just applied some tweaks to smp1 and restarted it, we will see if it works :)
    Hasorko and BloodDisciple like this.
  3. While it would be easier, this would go against what we are all about :)
    mattdaspak likes this.
  4. down again lol :p
  5. Ok I disabled the live map as I believe it is causing the issues, it is starting now. (smp1)
  6. yes i know that but if people want a reset anyway that would save you time - thats all i was thinking
  7. Only some people want it now. I personally want it reset, but i'd like to have the opportunity to collect stuff from my locked chests first !
  8. No, as myself and many others have vast resources tied up in the wild. Imagine asking to reset everyone's lot in town, there would rightfully be a uproar. Those of us who spend the majority of our time in the wild know that our creations may need to come down for the better of the whole community. Luckily we are also the type who generally want to see what is behind the next hill or over the sea and a reset gives us a whole new world to explore, conquer and make homely.
    All we want is a bit of time to recover our resources and move them back to town. This, for myself, will take lots of long trips as I am over 5000 blocks from an outpost and have several chests full of stuff I wish to keep. This doesn't take into account of the materials I have used in building. I am hoping we get vault access in the wild as this would be a godsend in transporting everything back.
    Yukon1200, margaritte and mattdaspak like this.
  9. Wouldn't this make it extremely easy to bypass death and getting lost ? I have thought about it before and if i was ever in a sticky situation i could open up chat, type purchase vault really quickly and save all of my findings from being lost. Its a good concept but I believe it will remove a key aspect of challenge.
  10. sorry i did not mean reset it right now

    i should explain better - vote then if wanted reset - if not wanted then update as he doing now

    and give people time to get what thay want from the wild
  11. is there a time estimate as to when SMP3 will be back up?

    also, stupid question--could I potentially create a new res in SMP7 when it comes out as a direct copy of my res in SMp3? There should be some feature that allows you to "move" res but still keep the stuff you've built and mined.
  12. If we where to get wild vault access It would only be during the period we have to clear our out of town chests (maybe 2 weeks before reset).
    Yukon1200 and JustinGuy like this.
  13. Ahh i understand. Just for the wilderness reset. I thought you meant as a permanent feature.
  14. So any idea when smp4 will be updated
  15. I think it's going up in order, smp1 , 2, 3, 4 etc
  16. I Updated my Minecraft because I had a mishap with some Single Player mods I was testing (Nature Overhaul, and some other stuff (don't worry none of them affect Multiplayer)) So I won't be online the servers until they are updated.
  17. smp1 and utopia are done. I am now doing smp5 because smp1 has some lag and I want to see how the lag is on smp5 hardware (smp5 and smp6 are on better hardware than smp1-4 and Utopia).
    Michael_Nolan and Barkley1987 like this.
  18. Please do smp6 first , I miss my res ;p
    nicpic100 likes this.
  19. Right on, can't wait to test out 1.2.3 on my home server.
  20. after smp5 u should try smp4 ;)
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