Empire Minecraft 1.2 update status

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Mar 1, 2012.

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  1. So is smp2 under work now?
  2. whens 1.2.3 on? or can i downgrade to 1.1?
    and...how do i play on emc, i saw someone say it but i didn't understand?
    what if the update takes over 10days and we loose our res?
  3. derelict policy is paused at the moment. And smp1 is 1.2.3 now the rest still 1.1
  4. The derelict policy is deactivated until 1.2 is up and running and for a little while after, so don't worry about your res.

    edit: Dang, to slow xD
  5. But there are already jungles after the update. why bother resetting the wild? Isn't the yellow area around the spawn point what is intended for resetting? I've already found a jungle on smp1, I dont understand why a whole reset in necessary.
  6. First, the wilderness takes a beating from everyone strip mining the place, but more importantly, the maps are now designed to go up to 256. All of the area that has been explored will stay in the 128 biome generation, and the new stuff will be in the 256 tall generation. The long and short is that all the lines where these two meet, the ground is going to be really far apart due to the mixed biomes.
  7. True
    JustinGuy likes this.
  8. I was initially against the reset as I have lots to lose, XP farms, nice quiet area (Justin was the first other soul I have seen within 3000 blocks of my base) and the start of a big build (was going to make a tower reaching to a point 200 blocks up from a base 20m radius circle.
    However having seen how buggy the transition is between two terrains generated by different engines, I would suggest either manually fixing the joins (I think this would be far too big a job) or go for a full reset.

    Also the reset will allow the periodic update area to start up as I think it can't current work on the earlier servers.
  9. to much people on smp1 uber lagg ther should be limit of 20
  10. You can always look on the right of the homepage where the server list is, the servers running 1.2.3 will say so underneath the server name.
  11. iam getting really to hate this server while i loved it yesterday it was to early and to much people on smp1
  12. I agree. If the parts already explored (which is a big chunk, even though not developed) were to stay as they are, the wild would become inconsistent, such as (like ignoramoose said) 128 world height in previously explored areas. A new wilderness would destroy a lot of people's creations, but with maybe a few months' notice and constant broadcasts on all the servers, people will have time to get all valuables to town before losing them.
    krysyyjane9191 and Barkley1987 like this.
  13. Yeah it hasn't been updated yet. If you're running Windows 7 you can easily downgrade by right clicking on your bin folder, clicking the previous versions tab, and restore to a version before you updated.
  14. Just bear with it, at this point in time I doubt the lag has anything to do with the amount of people on the server.
  15. If the wilderness isn't getting reset , are the jungle biomes still going to be in effect, i don't understand how this will work , however i am looking forward for the update reaching smp6 . I've been stuck in smp1 all day :p
  16. As far as I know the generation still only generates up to 127.

    === And now something completely different ===

    @Justin: What about banning all people who demonstrated in this thread that they are unable to read? ... Just kidding. Mostly.
  17. If the wilderness is not reset (which I hope it is) then the Jungle Biomes will occur naturally, but only within areas not already explored while EMC was running 1.1.
  18. Congratulations, sir, for asking all possible questions on which you can find an answer in this topic! WOW!
    Yukon1200 and Hasorko like this.
  19. if this upgrade is taking so long would it not be better to reset the server wilds now
  20. Fair play , but who wants to sit there and read every single response when alot of them are irrelevant to the question ?
    HeyitsCourtney likes this.
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