The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. I originally made that quarry when Wrem was really small. I thought that it was far enough out that it wouldn't bother anything. If you would like me to, I will fill it in.
  2. Well since Mba is recommending me to Infrastructure Minister, I accept. Thank you so much and this will be temp till the elections.
    Adder, please do fill this in, if you can level it out, that would be wonderful and thank you.
    Also the Militia have built a overpass bridge from the outskirts of Wrem/Oakville to Oceania and is open.
    Fair warning though, Oceania and the island that hold the overpass bridge, is to be left UNTOUCHED unless you have direct permission from Napoleon.
    There is gonna be some changes, but I want to work with the Mayors of each town to get things straight.
    Thank you all.
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
  3. Alright I have some news for business owners in Wrem: Apartment guidelines have been set up in wake of a number of players creating related businesses. The guidelines are designed to protect Wrem's prosperity, business owners and the customer. I will PM it to anyone who wants it
    pat2011 likes this.
  4. As the C.E.O of Monarch Industries, I would like to announce our services.
    1. Real Estate Agency
    2. Design & Architecture contracts (run by thepinkdog)
    3. Private Contractor Service (Builders)
    4. Property Surveyors
    5. Auctioneers
    6. We also offer property Appraisals

    Also, we are contemplating the possibility of providing plots and properties to rent.
    For any of these services, contact hollyhill105 (Monarch Industries)
  5. BUT BUT...I was the last member i i am head? AM I, Seance MBA left?
  6. lol l0tad. Mba appointed someone who he thought was best for the job. You are still in charge of planning so don't be down :)
  7. L0tad I honestly don't mind working with you sir. Infraction I encourage it and hope we can work together. But please come to me as I will come to you for planning and infrastructure in all of the New Republican. Thank you.
    L0tad likes this.
  8. Ok, Cool.

    Idea, after hearing the song "white flag", i had an idea. If you oppose the flame war, make a white flag outside your house
    brickstrike likes this.
  9. Uh don't do that just put two pieces of white wool right beside your door that's all you have to do. A whole lot easier and you don't have to fly an entire flag.
  10. Even if after last night, i'd like to rejoin.
    I'd love to be a part of your "bloody disgusting" members! :p
    /No sarcasm intended
  11. I want to say welcome back but... :p
    brickstrike and ants4235 like this.
  12. Welcome back ^_^
  13. I think there's a tad bit of a conflict going on. I am talking to you directly Holly hills. Your business partner thepinkdog needs to ask to be a member of NR. I know she may be having trouble getting on the forums and asking for permission but still you need to speak for her then on here. I saw her in the public tree farm the other day chopping down trees and she was saying she was just wondering around. I asked her politely to please leave and if she wanted to join and are she would have to go through the forums. And at that time she said nothing about you or any business in NR. So please handle this and please take care of it as soon as possible. Thank you.
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  14. It's no problem, I'll add her in. :)
    mba2012, ants4235 and NetherSpecter like this.
  15. I didn't think it was going to be that much of a problem I just wanted to bring some attention to it. So she didn't have to get reported for griefing or anything of that sort
  16. Do we have an official list? If we do the Archives would love to see it.
    ants4235 likes this.
  17. We do indeed. All members who have ever joined are as follows:

    • 72Volt
    • L0tad
    • Brickstrike
    • Chascarillo
    • Curundu
    • jacob5089
    • mba2012
    • rock00888
    • SparerToaster
    • supereskimo
    • cddm95ace
    • collect12
    • darthin
    • Dean_Catterson
    • Jennypoo10
    • Lasluin
    • ScarTheNinja
    • Smile3
    • Spenser6
    • Terr
    • Jeanzl2000
    • M4nic_M1ner
    • MVPworldseries
    • napoleon3665
    • princebee
    • SkyDragonv8
    • SoulPunisher
    • Zarembo1
    • Zidanetri0
    • _joe
    • Adderwolf71
    • Choongjae
    • ewils
    • guhenry3
    • hashhog3000
    • KoenJanssen
    • kritacul
    • marklea
    • PsychcRabbit
    • SkipFlanigan
    • Bunkerllama
    • canuckshockey
    • elijaha90
    • FiddlerX
    • HurferDurfer1
    • Jake_bagby
    • mezzer01
    • puffernugget25
    • SpaceShuttleFan
    • techguy2727
    • ants4235
    • commonsense_64
    • gabeli
    • GotFreshCookies
    • kishcake
    • luo147ert
    • nukem950
    • pat2011
    • PenguinDJ
    • wisepsn
    • Luckypat
    • Luke4214
    • Mrlegitislegit
    • thepinkdog

    I believe there are 65 citizens of the New Republic. :)
  18. Do you have their city and or address on any of theses?
  19. Would anyone happen to have 3 spare glowstone? That is all I need to finish the pool, but I misplaced some glowstone, and I lost it... :(
  20. Do you mean the song by Dido? In that song she refuses to surrender - a white flag means surrender. Probably not a good idea to put up a white flag.
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