My first attempt failed, but I have been researching and I have found the best brute force program and not to forget I own a super computer! Good Luck!
I will add pictures tomorrow, it has 8gb of ram (I am upgrading it to 16 soon), a 3.6ghz processor, and a Radeon 5790 Graphics Card. How many letters are in the story/word?
Lol, my computer has an estimate of 8 years left using a 15 word margin, I can go as high as I want though.
You aren't safe. You didn't put a time limit on this. So, if anyone ever cracks it - all your rupees are gone. To get PokeMMO although you'll need to get a rom of FireRed to play it and make an account. EDIT: To be legal you need to own FireRed IRL but there is no vertification required.
Well, bon bon, since I hardly play here, I thought it would be a nice thing to do this and give my rupees to someone who would be VERY deserving should he/ she crack this. Also, considering this is MD5 we are talking about, and that it is a VERY long message, time becomes redundant here.
ok so I got it, no i am not posting it here and no im not going to pm mr2r2m, comp is still open for you guys, it is do able i have a 2tb hard drive filled with rainbow tables. not gonna be stelling my mates rupees tho pft only 20gb
Congratz!! I can confirm he has got it. But yea, comp is still open to others And rupees will be reserved for others
I had been thinking about buying 300gb of rainbow tables, but I can not afford them. Meanwhile, my computer is tapping away with 8.4 years left. I should be proud of the .1 Improvement.