1.4: Coming Soon

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Aikar, Oct 28, 2012.

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  1. Alright thanks for reassuring me.
  2. I am probably going to rename my sword with an anvil that I will use for mob arenas (Sharpness V, Fire Aspect II, Knockback II, Looting III) έκρηξη it basically means eruption in Greek.
  3. Hooray. Just in time for Halloween as well.
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. that just made my day, lol. i accidently update here at my house yesterday. but did't at work, and wont be able to get back to work until tuesday cuz of this storm :(
  5. It's been about two days since the update :)
  6. Yes, yes it has.
  7. "Yo! Barry 'Bama! Waddup, dawg, how ya been doin?"
  8. Great to see that we're being keep up to date, nice job Aikar :) Any news on why we can't sell written books?
    Cchiarell6914 and mba2012 like this.
  9. The way I understand shops working in Minecraft isn't you getting the exact item being sold. It takes the item IN the chest, deletes it, then recreates it in your inventory. So, in reality, you can't buy custom stuff because it only currently deletes the ITEM (book/quill) and recreates it without the custom stuff.

    Aikar did mention he would like to make a work around for that though, so keep your fingers crossed. :)
  10. Nice to see the team behind bukkit could update stuff much faster.

    How come it took somewhat longer when bukkit went from 1.2.5 to 1.3? I only ask because of how troublesome 1.3 has been to everyone.
  11. mba2012 and nfell2009 like this.
  12. Once again congratulations to the masters (Aikar et al) who seamlessly work behind the scenes to keep the Empire fit and strong :):cool:
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. Sick as a mick.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  14. glad to hear you are working on a fix for the item frames. that was one of my main worries.

    these 3 days going to go so slow.
  15. If we didn't have the bukkit team, who knows what will happen to Minecraft?
    mba2012 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  16. Not as great multiplayer lol
  17. Custom coding FTW! I'm looking forward to play 1.4 EMC :)
  18. Does this mean we can update? Sorry I'm confused.
  19. "EMC should most likely be updated within 3 days."
    Chascarrillo likes this.
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