Introducing "Community Perks"

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Sep 3, 2012.

  1. I'd imagine that it would be random. If you had something like fire resistance for a whole week, I can imagine getting bored of feeling the need to go and jump in lava just to make use of it. It would seem better to vary it, in my opinion.
  2. From what I understand there will eventually be different things to do to "earn" a perk besides the dragon fights. If you had different perks for the different things to do this would work fine.
    will_iamd likes this.
  3. I envision each task worthy of giving out a perk would have a pool with scales and chosen at random.

    So dragon event can have alot of cool perks, where as a future update that involves less would not.

    Some ideas for stuff that could trigger perks in future:
    "every 1000 members gives all servers a perk"
    "A wild outpost is created"
    "100 players have died today"

    cnquast and margaritte like this.
  4. Can we have "9001 cows have been milked since the last perk"? Pretty please... :)
    jwayland likes this.
  5. Awesome! Also have "the cake is not a lie" perk per 314159 or so cakes made...
    jkjkjk182 and IcecreamPig like this.
  6. I have seen this question asked on all 3 official threads regarding the dragon tomb update, but I do not remember seeing a response. In regards to server restarts, how will they effect the dragon fights? Are we going to wait for a better version of bukkit first? If nothing else can we at least add restart count-downs on the server pages here on the site?
    chickeneer likes this.
  7. There was no answer given... I suggested finding a way for the Server reboot to hold/wait until after the fight...
  8. I am sure Aikar has said that the dragon tomb fight is currently being delayed while he find the problems with the servers.
  9. In RE: To Dragon Tomb fight and server reboots.

    Theres really no clean way to handle this... The server reboots have no way of knowing the dragon is being fought.

    We will hopefully have reboots disabled before the event starts... but if not, the reboot would cause you to be placed back at the portal, and then you can re-enter and start over from there.
    KarlisKrazy likes this.
  10. I'm starting to see this server migrate away from Vanilla minecraft. Maybe you don't realize it, but each update now looks like a new mod, while meant to enhance the experience of Vanilla, that ultimately cheapens the experience and detracts from this server's Vanilla motto. I joined because I saw "Residence, Vanilla, Griefer protection". I set my residence up to be griefed endlessly because I wanted to go out with a bang.
  11. This server is "French Vanilla" or something, whatever. The point is that many people want this, for example, this gives more incentive to fighting the Ender Dragon.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  12. So what you are saying is that you are letting you residence get destroyed and are leaving because what the community wants doesnt fit your definition of "vanilla"? Boooooo Hoooooo.
  13. This server hasn't been "Vanilla" ever. From the very first day, it had plug-ins (Such as the existence of town) that destroyed that definition. It really is nothing new; but some people were misinformed (and it spread)

    EMC has enough regular Minecraft in it to keep me happy. I wouldn't want Pure Vanilla Minecraft
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. "Vanilla Like" has always been the proper phrase for EMC. Your not required to use the new features. You can play a pure vanilla style if you wish, but EMC really hasnt been vanilla from the start. Town and Economy are 2 big non vanilla things.

    I see nothing in these updates that "Cheapen" gameplay. The perks are just going to be mostly typical game buffs, but applied on an automated fashion.

    The EXP Perk is to get people to do things other than spawners (as I think we will likely make the double exp not apply to spawners... get people to do things more the intended way0

    Remember, Rule #10 requires you to have fun, which is what we are trying to do for everyone :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  15. The game was made for us, the players, to play it as we wanted to. There is no intended way to play the game.
  16. There is always SSP with cheats turned off and you do not ever install a single MOD. ;) - The ONLY true Vanilla Minecraft experience. As soon as you put Bukkit on the Server setup, you ruined Vanilla Minecraft. :p
  17. Eh I disagree with that :)

    Every game is created by the developers with an overall goal for gameplay. If there wasnt, they would not have good vision to guide the games development.

    However, you throw in the sandbox element to open up the freedom to play how you want, but there still is an overall path to the play

    Everyone in vanilla starts out punching a tree with their fist, then they make wooden tools, then stone tools, then iron, then diamond
    All doing this while building shelter
    they then collect redstone, make machines to do stuff for you, make a nether portal, get more resources from nether.... and so forth.

    Collect exp from doing game mechanics, then enchant, giving you more power over all.

    It's all an overall flow, that you deviate from, but the general principle is still there.

    We are going to have our intentions for how the dragon tomb fight will be, but of course you guys will figure out things differently. But every game is developed with intent :)
    ZBSDKryten and jkjkjk182 like this.
  18. In all reality... It really doesn't matter what EMC is classified as... There are hardly any Pure vanilla Servers. But there are some that are more vanilla than others.

    999th Site Post! Check my new thread I will be posting in about 10 minutes... About my "secret project"
  19. As I said before:
  20. How about one where a player spends X "Days" in the wilds without dying.

    Killing a lightning creeper!

    opening a new endportal
    jkjkjk182 likes this.