smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. The role of torchbearer is now being decided. Please pm kman to cast your votes. You may only vote for I LLO member excluding kman and yourself. I myself am running for this role. :D Vote me!!
    Jakres likes this.
  2. Thanks :)

    Still trying to figure out the best places for surface stations. In looking at the map, I'd like to see them at most junctions where the E/W lines converge with the N/S lines.

    If you can make your way down to the rail system, you will see how the junctions are constructed. Having the entrance and exit in one of the corner sections of each junction would be awesome. Some ore better suited to it than others. some may require some reconstructive surgery to make a suitable space for the station at track level.

    Let me know when you are on line and I can tour with you.
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Im on right now u want to meet me at the grand station near the guest house
    Jakres likes this.
  4. Heads up: Xandrow might be poping up around town to build a house or some sort :)
    Jakres likes this.
  5. Update on [insert the name i forgot] skyscraper floor 1-3
    Floor 1 a.k.a Summer stage floor, is naerly done. Needs a bar and few more lightning.

    Floor 2... nothing.
    Floor 3 (with floor 4) is gonna have mini park, with one big pillar stone, with trees.
    shavingfoam likes this.
  6. I am going to do a big shipment of stuff to the outpost for the stadium, olympic park, my resort and the new rail systems. If anyone really need some stuff just tell me but I may not be able to get it.
    Jakres likes this.
  7. Hey Dwight I just saw your sign at the Little Toronto station. I modified the rail so that I could create an entrance for the L9RS and the LLO Underground. Is it ok to build a small extension to the building to act as an entrance to the two systems?
    Jakres likes this.
  8. No, I like it how it is
    Jakres likes this.
  9. Ok. But I need a place to build a surface entrance near the current station. Could you find me a place?
    Jakres likes this.
  10. I have begun work on the Blue line which will take people from central station to the west. I request that people do not modify it in anyway.
    Jakres likes this.
  11. Mba if you need help with the blue line just tell me
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  12. @Btribble
    Love what you did with the L9RS Northbound junction for the Jungle line from the surface. Awesome job with the automated track switching.
    You should totally do more of that in L9RS. It's fantastic.

    I also like the random doors to underground scenic points of entry. Just need to be ever vigilant to watch for mobs making their way into L9RS.

    I had an Enderman take a random block from a lava retaining wall the other day. Caused lava to spill out onto the L9RS. Be careful when riding the rails so as not to ride right into a lava pool right in the middle of the track. ;)

    For those of you who would like to see the great job that Btribble did, You need to take the rail line from central station to the Jungle Outpost and then take the red line down to L9RS.

    Again, Awesome job.
    Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  13. Would it be possible for you to continue the track down to the sea floor then make it do a turn to the west and just block the water up with dirt when done. I can't get on now for three days due to work so that would be awesome!
    Jakres likes this.
  14. Mba Im not good with under water tunnels but we could make it go all the way dow underground and move from there
    mba2012 likes this.
  15. Who's good at building spider grinders?

    I have about 12 spawners that I came across in a Mine while digging the L9RS.
    Many of the spawners are close enough to have a 4x or 5x grinder. perhaps even a 6x grinder. :confused:

    I just need someone to help build it as I'm not sure how to do a spider one. Zombies and Skellys no problem. Spiders ??

    Jakres likes this.
  16. again just to let you know I am still alive. just busy with real life stuff. I will finish the archery soon.
    I probably missed some new member requests so please if you did not hear back from me ask again and I am sure some other LLO member will lead you there.

    keep up the good work. I hope to see some epic new stuff when I get back in game ;)
    Jakres likes this.
  17. So uh…could you people that wish to help with the museum contact me again? I kinda forgot…
    Jakres likes this.
  18. L9RS Update

    I have been busy the last few days adding more lines to the L9RS and connecting existing lines for faster routes.

    Btribble has done an amazing job connecting the RED line from Grand Central to the L9RS. Thanks BTribble!.
    Feel free to make more amazing updates to the system like this one.

    Still need help in building the surface access routes.

    I have a PM out to HavockStorm asking if we can put a station just outside of Umbrella Corp. No answer yet. If anyone see's him online, ping him please.
    I have Approval from Sqiggleyjeff to create a station on the Southwest dock as long as we stay within the general construction theme of the dock.
    Kman122000 is going to build a surface access station from his residence. He has already started the station but now needs to start digging.

    That's it for now.

    If anyone wants to connect to the line, please feel free to do so but ensure you don't disrupt the existing lines. Try to make your entry near a junction point.

    Please ensure that if you mine any of the exposed ores, to completely backfill the hole you make. Mobs will spawn in sealed up pockets.

    Please do not leave any obvious access holes for mobs to enter the L9RS. Lets keep it safe for the riders.

    If anyone needs cobble for a project, let me know or ride the rails yourself. there are multiple large chests throughout the rail system full of cobble free for the taking.

    All the RED lines are complete. The GREEN line is still under construction.
    Jakres, penfoldex and zulu9 like this.
  19. What exactly is the L9RS project?
    Jakres likes this.