smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. OK, but I still think that a sandstone house would have been pretty nice:p
    Jakres likes this.
  2. Yes, a Soviet flag"-"
    Jakres likes this.
  3. Hmm. I'll think about it.
    Jakres likes this.
  4. still confused? wouldnt it work if you WHERE there?? i mean if your worried about it not workin when no one is there then im confused....

    also if you use 1 TNT block you can blow up a 3x3x3 hole... continually to make a good shaped tunnel..
    Jakres likes this.
  5. From what I'm getting is, you'd have to have each chunk it's in loaded for it to properly work? I dunno I'm not a redstone genius. :confused:
    Jakres likes this.
  6. You dont have to be in the chunk for it to be loaded :p
    Jakres likes this.
  7. You are always in a 9x9 chunck square, with the chunk you're standing on, and 4 loaded infront, 4 loaded behind and 4 to either side of you. Monsters can spawn the second their chunk is activated (Within the 9x9 area around you)

    (from minecraft wiki)
    Jakres and imBobertRobert like this.
  8. mba wants a redstone indicator to show in LLO if any of the track is damaged. Since the rail line is 4000 blocks long (actually a bit shorter cos it finishes before PRA) there will be parts of the line that will be in chunks that aren't loaded because no one is close enough (a chunk is 16x16 on x and z)

    As skywarp says only the chunks within 4 chunks of each player's current chunk loads. So if the only player on the server is at the LLO then only the rail line within (at most) 72 blocks of that player will be loaded. Of course other players could be near the rail so other parts of the rails might load.

    But you might not always get a warning for the rail further from the LLO.

    Knowing that, we could also have the warning lamps in the tunnel and as someone heads down the track the warning lamp could show once the chunk with the damaged chunk is loaded. This gives you 4-4.5 chunks (64-72 blocks) warning.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  9. First screenshot of the recording studio.

    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  10. My spleef is open now for the public! There will be a tournament for 10k rupees when the Olympics start! Come to the Southern Suburbs for casual play or if you want to be a spleef commander.
    zulu9 likes this.
  11. Thanks Shavingfoam. :)
    I've been away for 10 days taking my scout troop camping so I haven't been able to check in and see the system since then. I'll check in a little later and do a system health check.

    I am planning on adding more lines on the West to the new villages out there to make transportation easier.
    I would also like to add a couple more E / W lines through town but there are quite a few projects that have been built that make that difficult. If anyone would like to help add to the Level 9 Rail System, I would welcome the help.

    The main criteria is that the lines be maintained as North/South and East/West. no diagonal rail lines please.

    I have tried to minimize any disruption to peoples mining activity and respect existing creations to maintain the integrity of LLO.

    And the biggest thing I have learnt is that Gravel is your friend when trying to make lines through Lava. :D
    Jakres and Dwight5273 like this.
  12. Spleef Tournoment for LLOlympics
    1st Place: 5k
    2nd Place:3k
    3rd Place: 1k
    There are 7 spots open!
    The commpetitors are:
    1. Mrlegitislegit
    2. penfoldex
    3. dylan_frenette
    Pm me or reply to this comment to be in the tournament!
    I will post when the tournament is when all slots are filled.
    Jakres likes this.
  13. Can you tell the time soon? I'll join but I'm not sure I can be there.
    Jakres likes this.
  14. instead of me PM'in you lemme apply here.. I WANT TO PLAY :DD
    Jakres likes this.
  15. I used to be a Girl Scout, they kicked me out for eating a brownie *BADUM-TIS!* I know I know lame joke. I actually got dropped because my troop leaders kept quitting. :(. I hope you guys are having/had fun :)
  16. Just wanting to let you know I am not dead but don't have any time really for MC. I check the forums in case any urgent stuff comes up and read the thread tho.
  17. If we are having the LLOlympics. Can I get my Spleef Tournament put in it as an event? If we haven't planned the LLOlympics, I would like to take charge of it.
    Jakres and indgomom like this.
  18. Added! :D
    Jakres likes this.
  19. LOL :p

    We had a great time. Went to Great Lakes Jamboree. Did tonnes of stuff and the kids had an awesome time.
    So glad to be home again though. My body isn't 17 any more and it misses no opportunity to remind me of that. The real bed and real hot shower doesn't hurt either ;)
    Jakres and PandasEatRamen like this.
    Jakres likes this.