EMC Status Update - chickeneer out of town for 1.5 weeks.

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by chickeneer, Jul 17, 2024.

  1. Hey all. I thought about just posting this as a status, but there is enough info in here. I don't want it to get missed.

    First, I have a ton of IRL obligations through this weekend, and then I am gone for all of next week. I expect to be back home July 27th.

    So this means a lot of things...
    1) Various voucher redemption, SS services, support is going to be delayed.
    2) EMC Birthday celebrations will have to be pushed back to the first week of August. When I know what we are doing, I'll let you know. It is possible that SS might have a small celebration while I am away, but I can't speak to their availability.
    3) Progress towards dev updates will be paused.

    Those are the main points of the update. To be more direct about dev stuff. I ended up being significantly busier this summer than planned. Hence things being delayed a bit. I hope to get back, and give about a 2 week notice on waste resets and a 1.21 update. That update is not remotely ready, so I cannot promise any timetables yet.

    I acknowledge that my "next steps" reply to this thread... well, they haven't happened yet. I hope to push the gas pedal on those projects when I return. A lot of my commitments are going to tie up, about that time.

    Anyways... thanks for understanding. I will reply back if I think of more things. Just a busy time right now. I am like... quadruple booked IRL... Kinda in a pickle. But it will work out. :)
  2. Thank you for being transparent about this! It's greatly appreciated!
  3. Have fun being away from your home! 🎉️
    We3_MPO likes this.
  4. the boss is away lets party
  5. Please don't break anything... Otherwise, I might just let it be closed till I get back :p
  6. xd we have a duchts saying
    waneer de kat weg is dansen de muizen op tafel
    translates to When the cat is gone, the mice dance on the table

    i pinky promise i wont break any thing
    607, NuclearBobomb, triphora and 2 others like this.
  7. The mice will dance and the cheese tastes great. LOL
    chickeneer stay safe, have a wonderful time and God bless.
  8. Have fun while your away!:)
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. These days I don't play as much anymore but it's always great to know that I still have a "home" to come back to. This November will be my 10th year here. (My god how! lol)

    You've always seemed to go above and beyond to keep this place running regardless of player count and it's easy to forget that when things get releases slower then some might like or if something gets changed, etc., but do know we are extremely grateful that you are still dedicated to doing all this. Take all the time off that helps keep you refreshed for EMC stuff.

    To you and the dev team, a huge thank you and looking forward to the new stuff after your return.
  10. Take care of your irl life. We will be here when you get back
    We3_MPO likes this.
  11. we miss you chickeneer its just like we ban tax efry where its fun for the first few days then u relise there is no police no healt care and all chickens left
    Ima_Squid and ultipig like this.
  12. The healthcare thing is whats getting me the most.
  13. I hope all is well when you return Chickeneer! See you soon :)
    We3_MPO and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  14. xd oof i forgot we countrys with out good healt inshurance oops
  15. Whatya talking bout?? Healthcare is completely free worldwide, and almost instantaneous...
    here on empire minecraft.. ingame..
  16. So now is the time for a coup. Slap some green paint over my username. lol, Howdy everyone.
  17. My time has come...

    Just kidding.
  18. The Head Chicken is Gone....

    Time for :
    • LuckyGBird's Navy to begin maneuvers for the final battle. **To yer boats, laddies an ladies!!**
    • TnT filled residences to be lit on fire! aka Deadmon's part 2
    • A Giant Chicken to be released on some Smp Waste (somewhere) Come On Mooops, you can do it!!
    • Zombie Horses for everyone.
    • The new Games Smp Released :: just cake. all cake. everywhere is cake. spleef fun that is as easy as cake.
    • and the gathering on smp8 at midnight. You'll know it when you see it.
  19. i like theese ideas
    but i made a pinky promise to not break any thing
    NickkG likes this.
  20. Any update on this?