Progryck's Drawing corner

Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Progryck, Mar 17, 2021.

  1. Hey everyone,
    this has been my corner on the EMC thread for a year now.
    I used to make drawings here for anyone that requested any, and had a lot of fun with that.
    Currently I am taking a break though, so I won't be taking any more commissions for now.
    I'll leave this thread open for anyone that wants to react or just talk about drawings with each other. Feel free to check all previous drawings I have made here, or just scroll through these pages.

    Hey all,

    I have been posting some drawings in these forums the past few months and some people have started asking me to do some commissions.
    So here I am, with some free time on my hands.

    I want to draw your minecraft skin, signature or anything else, in any style you like.

    Some examples for inspiration:
    burton/Don't starve
    Dragon Ball

    But if you have an other style in mind I would be happy to try it.

    So, now the questions to you:
    What would you like me to draw?
    What style would you like me to draw it in?
    What size do you want your drawing? (desktop/profile pic/...)

    For now, I'll be doing this completely free and just as a hobby.
    (so it might take some time, don't rush me ;) )

    A list of al previous and current commission can be found here
    W1therRex, UltiPig, CarFryer and 19 others like this.
  2. 607 and Progryck like this.
  3. I would luv to get my skin drawn, fire type wizard as always.... :D
    607, Progryck and MoreMoople like this.
  4. Ooh, great! Could I get my skin in the Don't Starve style? Thanks :D
    607 and Progryck like this.
  5. my skin in jojo style
    Progryck likes this.
  6. customers are lining up quickly it seems.

    First commission for Moople
    let me know if you want something changed/suggestions
    (I can remove the text but i couldn't not put it there ;) )
  7. I LOVE it!!! Thank you so much! :love: :<3:
    Progryck likes this.
  8. Will be doing this drawing next, might take some time.

    but in the meantime:
    Here you go Wafflecoffee, hope you like it:

    And she is not alone:
    Two drawings in 1 day, have fun with your drawing as well Luckygreenbird:
    Eviltoade, 607, wafflecoffee and 2 others like this.
  9. omg, such great work! And you're so fast!!!

    I couldn't finish a stickman drawing that quick
    Progryck likes this.
  10. Could you draw my skin in cartoon? Thanks
    Progryck likes this.
  11. Wow, all of these look amazing!

    Could you draw my skin in dragon ball style?
    607 and Progryck like this.
  12. Well well well, no time like the present. I finally finished my skin re-design so I perfected it and uploaded for ya to use :D

    As for the style, I have absolutely no idea how to decide. They are all so awesome! *rolls dice* Jojos!
  13. And here I was, thinking that i could finish fast enough before new commissions arrived and now there are already 3 more people in line.

    oh well, guess I can't complain.

    Raaynn, here you go, hope you like it:
  14. Well, the chibi icon I have is time to end!

    How about my current skin in the art style of Ancient Egypt art, like this?
    607 and Progryck like this.
  15. So many new commissions, so little time.
    Here you go Kryarias, hope you like it.
  16. Progryck likes this.
  17. Hey there!!! Would love to see your interpretation of my skin!

    Skin is an FBI agent

    Would love if you could make it full-sized

    Style? Perhaps the Jojo's style, and some patriotic stuff like American flags in the background as the character stands proudly, perhaps with 'Murica somewhere would be great :D
    Progryck likes this.
  18. UltiPig and Progryck like this.
  19. Like it? This is wickedly cool! I love it!!

    I know you were just doing these for free, but I'm sending a rupee donation...
  20. Progryck likes this.