(The quiz / event is over, we have a winner!) What the heck is this supposed to be? (Image on Aya's cape?) In mutual agreement this is an event. And this is NOT tied into my previous attempt, that one is stil on going as far as I'm concerned. I need time to make it work and that's an issue right now. BUT.. I got some alternatives to make it work . (if you have no idea what I am talking about: there's gonna be an even with a voucher as a permanent prize... wait.. or was it a permanen voucher as a prize? LOL! Vouchers aint permanent. So you believe what you want because permanents? Isn't that hair doing) (edit): WHAT is the picture on Aya's back supposed to be? Winner gets dia voucher. Aya knows, I know, it's probably common knowledge. (edit2): First answer wins!
Right... so like: Aya will like posts that are getting close. (to give a hint (that's my doing)). It's not a duck I think because I think it likes water... If im right that cape does not.
It's clearly Oddish . Didn't any of you play the 'which Pokemon is that?' challenge on TV as youngins?