Hey guys! Hope you are all doing well One of my engineering teams at university is doing a project which requires the use of symbols to communicate ideas without using words. Specifically, we want to design something that could be recognized regardless of the language spoken by the people seeing it. If you guys wouldn't mind filling out the survey that would be great!Thanks guys Survey Link
Filled it out as well! Quite interesting! Good luck with the project. A general thing I found: for many symbols my interpretation seemed to be somewhat far from what seemed intended. I think some of these are maybe too specific (pan, cans, battery) or would indeed need to be combined (the medical one, perhaps the shelter one) to give the intended idea ( - though I thought that you were aiming to give the general idea ("food"), it could also be that you were aiming to give a smaller range of interpretations ("pan", "cans") .... hard to tell. ).
I really appreciate all of you taking the survey! This data is very helpful for our team I'll be sure to let you know how our final presentation goes.
Out of interest, how come you ask about Hispanic/Latino ethnicity? Do they interpret signs differently or something? Caught my eye because I'm a British-Irish dual citizen, ethnically Welsh, born and raised in England, with a heck of a lot of Spanish in me
I believe it was just a misplace it should be with question two, but seems to have just gotten pushed off to the side
Submitted. Something I would have added: a notion on what langues you speak, as that can influence what you think about thease things quite a lot. For example, with the abstrect consept of "Shelter" In dutch, that would be "onderdak" Jet, the Englisch "shelter" you'd also use for something quick and dirty you set up to stay prtected from the envourement, the Dutch word "onderdak" means as much as "Under a roof", which is why it would be more closely assisiated with something like a Hotel. Someone like me, who knows the basis of a lot of langues (7) might therefore interprete signals differently than someone who only speaks Englisch. Though you're making something that should be understood regardless of the langue spoken, it, as it is limited to Englisch, might not be researching if it really would be as widely understood. Therefore knowing if someone's native langue is something different from Englisch could be very helpfull
Ah, yes, indeed. Interestingly enough there is even a (slight) difference between the Britisch English "shelter" and the American English "shelter".
That's really interesting - although we had considered that our results would be skewed because the survey is in English, we hadn't really considered the effects of knowing multiple languages in addition to English. We will definitely keep that in mind going forward with the presentation!