Silly Mistakes You've Made On EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Stnywitness, Mar 17, 2019.



Mars 3 vote(s) 10.7%
Neptune 2 vote(s) 7.1%
Mercury...duh. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
FadedMartian 23 vote(s) 82.1%
  1. That was a day of victory for nether hounds. Useless me went to the wrong waste outpost at start. After correcting that went the wrong direction. By the time I arrived at the death spot you'd already found your stuff.

    (edit: I think I went to the frontier instead of waste nether? Can't remember, just that was not in the right place.)
  2. I was flying to an outpost, 80k away from my frontier base. Decided to set my spawn 3/4 of the way there just in case something happened. Got to the outpost safe, Cool! Dropped the things in town and headed back. Got back with no issues. Yeah that was cool.:D A few days later, messing around my base I ran into a Charged creeper. Well it didn't go well for me lol. When I came to, I was 60k away from the base with nothing in my inventory.:oops: There was no way I was walking back. Used a alt. to rescue myself. Don't forget to set your spawn when you get back.
    Top_Benny, 607, NuclearBobomb and 3 others like this.
  3. That reminds me of the very first time I egged a wild rabbit. I had the same fear about banned for griefing.

    I had totally forgotten about that incident, too.
    NuclearBobomb and luckycordel like this.
  4. reporting someone for flying in utopia
  5. Always wrong chatting because I am always prone to it XD.
  6. I won an auction for 30 DCs of Cactus...
    I only paid 750r, we both got ripped off, he got 750r for 30 DC of Cactus and I spent an hour transporting 30 DC of cactus from one server to the other... Ever since then I have had 30 DCs on my res and I haven't moved them since...
    jacob5089, 607, Lukas3226 and 3 others like this.
  7. This I guess isn't unique to EMC but rather minecraft in general. My first skin i picked out had a lovely blue shade to it's mage robe and i enjoyed the facial complexion under the hood. So I had joined EMC and there was this player who started giving me free items. I thought it was cool of they guy to help me out. It wasn't until my cousin joined the server and I mentioned that to him that he said it was probably cause of my girl skin. I was like what girl skin this is a male mage, apparently it had something to do with the eyebrows and hair that made it a girl skin. Needless to say I changed my skin and no longer received free items..:)
    KatydidBuild, MoreMoople, 607 and 2 others like this.
  8. Hmm... Gonna get a girl skin now, spend an hour with some kid who thinks he has a chance and leave with a few OP diamond gear and tools.
  9. had the same with 100DC's of arrows xD
    even tho i have infinity on all my bows, for some reason i had to bid
  10. My friend born_ego (he has an account here) once tried that out, and yes, it works that way. :D
  11. Getting banned twice
  12. This happend a long time ago yesterday.
    So I have not been playing minecraft or EMC in a while and packed stuff to head out in the nether.
    I even took my maxarian head for fire resistance, good armor, food and tools.
    I see a large lava pool, right click the head to obtain the buff and jump right into it to swim to the other side and mine some glowstone. So far so good? No :D Apparently one has to wear the head for the buff to work. Was a quick swim...
  13. Totally forgot about an auction i was running...
    luckycordel likes this.
  14. Forgot about a auction for like half a year :p
    luckycordel likes this.
  15. Giving THE OP VILLAGER my first promo (Candy Cane Sword) which is now the only item I want but im too cheap to buy :p
  16. I think your mistake should be using it instead xD
    luckycordel likes this.
  17. Wait, there's a /trash system? I just throw crap on the ground to despawn LOL
    luckycordel likes this.
  18. Twice? What's the story behind that?
    luckycordel likes this.
  19. Orrrr you could also just not get rid of any stuff, like I do. ;) I have never used /dispose. :D
    luckycordel and jaqque like this.
  20. Oh.. you've been to my storage.
    607, MoreMoople, luckycordel and 2 others like this.