Silly Mistakes You've Made On EMC

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Stnywitness, Mar 17, 2019.



Mars 3 vote(s) 10.7%
Neptune 2 vote(s) 7.1%
Mercury...duh. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
FadedMartian 23 vote(s) 82.1%
  1. This thread it simple as a decaying octopus.

    Post a silly mistake (screenshots gladly accepted) you've made on EMC.
    Let's see em! :D (You can post more than once!)
  2. Here is mine: When I first started I didnt really know what rupees were worth, and I sold a friend of mine the following for this many rupees:

  3. Purchasing items from the Empire Shop
  4. Not using the /trash system and using lava garbage disposals... Was quite new at the time with barely any money and threw my only god diamond sword into the lava by accident...
  5. Waaaaaaaay back in the day, I sold a cactus pants for 5.5k
  6. Burn one of my eggnogs a few years ago... i burnt the wrong promo:oops:
  7. xD I used that thing until it closed I was like now where do we get items and then I found player shops xD
  8. using a gold supporter gift voucher after they where made unobtainable
    those things are worth like 2mil these days :/
  9. Being such a poor typist... i arrived back from a trip over a deep ocean by boat... realizing i must have pressed the Q instead of W at some point on my journey... now where did my infi-mending bow get to....

    Lol.. i still laugh about that.
  10. ^ive accidentaly unshifted while bridging in the end with the like 5 shulkers of supplies and 6 stacks of shulker shells
  11. Wearing voter's armour carrying a shulker chest with like 3 stacks of wither skulls through the nether over a lava bridge being chased by ghasts with no fire pots. I kind of thought before I left that I should wear better armour but I just thought eh and then I got shot off the bridge along with all my skulls :oops:
  12. ... But then you didn't make a profit at all. xD
  13. I took an ore buster to the nether once.
    I lost an orebuster that day.
  14. I started building an OP like 1000 blocks from someone else's OP, luckily after some begging i didn't get evicted and became established
    luckycordel likes this.
  15. Wait, what promo were you supposed to burn? :D
  16. My top two silly mistakes:

    1) When flying from an outpost to my newest waste base, I was chatting in town and accidentally hit the "p" key before activating "t". I ended up dropping my sword, Communist Agenda, into the ocean never to be seen again. No screenshots of the actual act.

    After having hit "q" too many times and dropping stuff when trying to simply walk forward I got smart and remapped "drop" to "p" (for "put"!). Glad to see it worked out for me so well.


    What really makes this one fun is I have a water brake at the bottom so I don't .. uh .. die.

    I was on the ladder, I activated my elytra by mistake, started to plummet downward and missed the water brake by this much.

    Now when I fly, I keep my primary hand empty just in case I get tempted to test EMC's gravity. I still have not learned my lesson about ladders, though.
  17. Cool thread!

    I started playing in December and didn't know about promos and all that. So when I got the cool Christmas "reignhorse" I did some really dumb things ;) First I spawned the horse because I figured it would have some good stats. But then I decided that I didn't like the name, the horse should have been named Mustang (little did I realize that this was all part of the Christmas collection). So I eggified the horse and then started messing about to try and rename it.

    It's been a long time ago and I don't know exactly what happened but I do recall being able to name it Mustang (with the "arrow characters" around it) but I also ended up with a lot of garbage shown in front of the name making it look really ugly. So eventually I decided to forget about keeping the color and just renamed the horse.

    I believe that promo is now easily worth 75k or so :rolleyes:

    Fortunately for me I did manage to buy a replacement during my gameplay so I still have a 'full' collection ("full" in the sense that I have all promo horses from the time I started playing, the only exception being the one that got released last year (if there had been one)).

    The things us newbies do ;)
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  18. Empire Shop is the best kept secret. I just shopped there a minute ago.

    (oops the secret is out?)
  19. found out that emc's nether has nether hounds... then never went back until i could turn them off. Jp actually helped me get my stuff, that probably wasn't worth anything anyways. that was like first or second day.
  20. I found someones floating head in the wild my second day on the server and I was silly and tossed it into a small pond after i took it cause i mistakenly thought staff would think i stole it and banz me....