(CONTEST) Super Bowl Predictions

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. It still "bothers/confuses" me that softball isn't played with a soft ball, (American) football is generally played with your hands, and that "hockey" omits the quite necessary "ice" needed to differentiate it from actual hockey, but oh well, language is weird and illogical sometimes. :p
    PopTart_Flavored likes this.
  2. May the best predicition win!

    Lol 3 - 0 in halftime.
    The record low was 2 - 0 at halftime so this isnt far off!
    Enjoy the game!
    Gawadrolt and Hashhog like this.
  3. I lost. This game is ridiculous. No heart from either team. I remember the glory days of football.
    ThaKloned and Hashhog like this.
  4. I can only imagine how far off I'm going to be in my prediction. Lowest score in Super Bowl history was 21 total points (14-7), this might beat that.
    Hashhog likes this.
  5. Anyone more dissapointed that Sweet Victory was only played 4 seconds and replaced with sicko mode. Irony was he was censored most of it too
    jacob5089, Luckygreenbird and Hashhog like this.
  6. I'm right here
  7. The game seems rigged somehow
  8. They started "playing" 2/3 of the way into the 4th. Pitiful. Congrats to whoever predicted 13-3 Patriots. Lowest scoring Superbowl in history. Who would've guessed?
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  9. I wonder if anyone actually guess this right or even close lol
    Gawadrolt and HazardousCode like this.
  10. Congrats SageCREEPER with their prediction of 7-4 Patriots win. A difference of 7 points overall from the actual 13-3.

    Prize will be sent soon.
  11. I would never have guessed anywhere near these scores....what a weird superbowl lol

    Grats sagecreeper!!
  12. *fumes quietly*
    Can Brady just retire already
  13. I hope he does but seems unlikely
    Stnywitness, Eviltoade and Hashhog like this.
  14. If only the Patriots had made two field goals and the Rams had made a 1-point conversion, you would have predicted it perfectly! :D
    Gawadrolt and Stnywitness like this.
  15. Is it just mee, or wash tha ownner of tha Patriotsth jush shmashed outa hish mineeee.

  16. The biggest takeaway from the game... I will be privately boycotting Maroon 5. :(

    But anyway, overall a very disappointing game with poor play on both sides, in my personal opinion. Neither of them looked like Super Bowl teams. Can't even give props to the defenses; they had nothing to defend against and made plenty of errors themselves (as opposed to low scoring games in the regular season like Bears-Rams which demonstrated extreme skill and had us on the edges of our seats). Just a sad game all around that will go down in history as the Punters' Bowl.

    Oh, well... next year.
  17. It might be worse than the 2018 YouTube Rewind
  18. Who else thinks that for something so overhyped it was underwhelming
    SkeleTin007 and Hashhog like this.
  19. A great game no matter what anyone says, just because it isn't a high point game doesn't mean it was a "boring" game. But hey I'll be over here polishing my 6th ring with Brady, something no other NFL player can say.
    Gawadrolt likes this.