smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. We could tell everyone to become support at least iron and they have the supporter channel.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. While Zulu was hiding in his attic I was filming :D

    Also I didn't know I forgot to record sound so added a youtube song.

    Not everyone can do that. So tired of all this "z0 mai gawd supporter *FAP FAP*" stuff -_-
  3. Hmm for some reason when I was watching it I wanted to grab some glow sticks and start dancing, Rave! Lol
  4. I have finished the station outside zulus house. Something glitched though but it will be working within the hour. Promise!
  5. Yay. So with the big color coded fast lines beginning to manifest this is a major local line. All the visitors to my house, the beach house and graveyard will appreciate it :)
  6. Lol, would be sweet to have a railway to the wild spawn, but that would just get griefed right away D:
    Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. This is (most) of the LLO in its current form
    It probably doesn't have the WHOLE of LLO, just places that I know exists and is within the outpost. i.e. not including that umbrella zombie w/e thingy way north east of us, and the pockets of things west of the jungle.

    Also, I left the nether out intentionally as to not give away the blaze spawner locations and such(n-not because I forgot or anything!). :v
  8. Lol nice I download it tomorrow to check it out lol and thanks
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. The entire outpost is on this world. It does not reach P.o.I though. :( But it is really awesome! We could do this to look for griefing that could be hidden.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. I was just wondering if people where ok with me using up some space on the bridge to the grave yard by putting the next stage of the northern rail extension. It would be really good if I could place it there instead of building a whole new bridge.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. Zulu built it and I like it the way it is :/
  12. P.O.I?
    Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. Can just add a 1block wide thing to the side for the rails. check with zulu, of course :p
  14. Some huge thing Lux was building and abandoned a month ago across the water behind the jungle.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. Line to the Jungle: DONE :D

    And Bob please don't freak out that your house is in this one like one of my other screenshots. I'm not stalking you, I just can't edit it out.

    Rune and I spent a lot of time on it. Please don't make it look crazy as well. If you guys start twitching because the torches are on the stone in the middle then I'll move them under. I just don't want it to look like a train wreck o.o
  16. Will the next line have a reference to November Rain?
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. Hahaha!

    According to Omu yours might be the "Curry Line" Given You're a chicken, which is delicious, cook it and the curry it turns yellow, etc. xD
  18. I must say guys, this is by far the longest thread in EMC forums, and it has managed to stay on topic and with little to no staff intervention required. Great work on keeping such a tidy thread, not far till it reaches 100 pages. :D
  19. It just got longer. And off topic.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  20. Cause we all work together :). If there's an issue we talk it out, reach compromise, follow the rules etc.