smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I want to join, but right now I'm in Turkey ;)

    The Norwegians? ( By the way, I am from Norway :D)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. Operation Patch Watch

    The recent snapshots have been having very minor tweaks. This has led folks to believe that the patch will be released very soon. So many folks that even ICC has warned us about it. More of a crowd control post I think, but a warning none the less.

    At this point I, personally, would refrain from building/expanding until a clear cut decision has been made as to whether or not there will be a wild reset. Right now, as much as some might not like it, there probably will be a reset. There have been hordes of folks putting up "good bye posts", which honestly is just a sign that EMC is following the migration patterns of most MMOs, I digress. All the posts stated that they were getting bored and wanted something new. I'm sorry to say folks but the wild is where there are a lot of changes in 1.3.

    I would be very surprised if a wild reset didn't happen.

    But nino I personally spoke to <insert mod name here> and they said there wasn't a reset planned!

    Well when my troops ask me if I'm planning to make them work the weekend, I tell them no I'm not planning to work it, but if the need is there guess what? We're working it.

    We need to create a plan for packing up the stuff we can't live without, rails/redstone, saplings, eggification etc.

    Honestly I am looking forward to a reset. We have a chance to redesign areas, I'm being selfish and thinking about the rail mostly, and other things that just don't make sense on the scale that LLO has become.

    But nino! those things that don't make sense were the foundation and character of our site!!!

    Well if a reset is executed it's all gone! So help me look at the bright side of it!!!

    So discuss, rant, and over all tell me what you all think. I'm on baby duty for a while today so give me something to read and talk to you guys about!
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. I can put the sugar stacks, yes. But I wasn't able to find magma cream at the stores I visited.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. I don't want a reset, I love the tower and other things we've built. I even have it all saved so I can play in single player. If it comes down to a reset, you guys are welcome to come camp out on my res with your chests of stuff :3
    :D I"ve cleaned it up and added some pretty stuff since then. I'm sure Brit would let you guys camp at her place nextdoor as well xD
  5. I agree it's a personal thing. The possibility of a reset won't stop me from building because I think sitting around waiting for it is more likely to kill the game for me than having all my work wiped out.

    I don't know we need to worry too much about planning. My memory is that we had 2 weeks warning on the last reset. And when it comes down to it there's not much to take. Rails are the .

    Unfortunately I think trying to work out a plan for the new community (if there is one) is likely to kill it. If we can't cooperate to improve the rail system now we have no chance of getting it right after a reset. But we may not have a choice :)
  6. my favourite res. Yes please :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  7. Does LLO have a chain of command for community based decisions? If we do not, am I out of place to propose that we create one if a wild reset if confirmed? An alternative suggestion could also be, can we start having votes on community decisions through the LLO website? I think either of these options could help avoid what Runewulf is pointing out.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. 1. No we don't.
    2. No you're not
    3. We do already when zulu has time to create them.

    I don't usually like people in charge but this may be the right situation (if there is a reset). A minister of railways would definitely speed things up and ensure a consistent build.

    I'm not too sure what other positions would be useful.

    A minister of grinders? It would be good to have someone who can make sure grinders are built properly and to know where they all are in case of a problem.

    A minister of farms? The farms are a bit of a mess and could do with a manager.

    one possibility is that we give 4-5 people the job of establishing a new outpost and then everyone else move in once they have built the framework.

    If there is a reset.
  9. I really have no idea what is in place currently. I can't think. But I'm all for rebuilding if there is a reset.
    And I'm now waiting to see if I get a temp ban for smarting off to this guy in another thread. :/

    nmanley: The solution to the lag is much simpler than letting people screw around with the servers. (which I don't agree with)
    Just get rid of all the non-supporters after a 3 month trial period. Simple Lag GONE! :D
    PandasEatRamen: Since cursing is against the rules I'll try to make it sound nicer...That is a crappy thing to say. Not everyone has the money in their budget to afford to be a supporter. If EMC got rid of non-supporters after three months they would dwindle rapidly because not every 12 year old's parents would want to pay monthly for them to play on here. What happens if things come up short and you're not able to pay for your supporter membership for a while? "Oh that's too bad, you know the rules" *Res Deleted*

    I see posts about "Supporters being treated disrespectfully because we're supporters." posts, some of us non-supporting members expect respect from you all as well. It's a two way street.

    nmanley,:I could care less about the 12 year olds as they are not allowed on here anyway. Minimum age is suppose to be 13!
    I have seen lots of 14yr olds that act very mature on here and a BOAT load that are NOT! So there in lies the problem. How to weed out the bad.

    As history is proving here 4 good servers are better than 9.
    (I did not include Utopia because it is limited by being a Gold/Diamond supporter to live there!)

    Sorry to hijack the thread. I'm done and still think your guys are dreaming if you think that Justin and ICC are going to let a random vote reset servers.
    I've seen that in action and it sucks.

    PandasEatRamen: You sound like one of those hateful old men who sits on his porch all day screaming at the kids to get off his lawn. Your suggestion of "Free members should get three months and that's it" Is unfair. There are adults on these servers like myself who don't have the funds to pay to donate each month. Some may be able to pay for at least one or two months then find themselves in predicaments where they're unable to pay for a month or two because of things that happen like losing a job or sickness or whatnot. Some live in countries where they don't have a valid payment option to pay for a membership. What if they have to be gone for months at a time?
  10. There has been heated discussion all over the forums about whether or not to do a reset. But it looks likely that a reset will happen. Quoting a post that ICC made a couple weeks ago:

    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. We had a vote a few weeks back about having "staff" to see to the day to day stuff and it was a resounding no.

    We have folks that we turn to for certain things, but no one has appointed them or given an official position.

    While I think it would be fun to have mini-elections with politicians competing and giving speeches like, "If I'm Transportation Commissioner, I will have all the rails cleaned up by the end of the month, and you can take that to the Vault!". I think ultimately it would end up in a popularity contest and bribes.

    Sadly come to think of it, that would be a perfect way to split up the donated funds. Have a certain amount of Departments, eg Agriculture, Transportation, and split the donation between them equally for supplies etc. Wait... no! I'm sucking myself in!

    Meh, I'm way off topic. While I think any organization should have a structure, LLO is a patchwork of groups/individuals and having folks in charge might destroy the ties that are in place. We need more votes and a structure/rules on how those operate and that might be enough to get us rolling on stuff.

    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. if there is a reset I would expect it would be many weeks away.

    First 1.3 needs to come out. I think Mojang just moved offices and i don't think that'll help with delivery time.

    Then it needs to be tested by Justin and others and of course they have heaps of spare time. I'd expect they'd run it on a new server for a few weeks. Then we have a vote and then if it goes ahead there'd be a period (2 weeks?) for moving your stuff from wild.

    I can't see it happening sooner that 6 weeks away and probably longer, if ever.

    C'mon lets build!!!!
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. I want to join!!! :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. Welcome to our new members:
    Terminator908, joshmcf and TheMikano

    Instructions sent out :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. If there will be a reset we might use some tools to get a singleplayer copy of the area maybe.
    Does anyone knows if that is possible? I know you can like dump the chunk around you but not a whole area. Maybe some mods can help us. Why not provide the old wilds for download after the reset?

    And at least I will try to rebuild. That means finding a new epic area with lots of different biomes in the wild first. Could be fun to trek for a new location with some members.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  16. Yeah, Justin has to convert all the custom code that runs on the EMC servers over to the new Minecraft version.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. Reset or not, I'm still going to be part of this community i love living in wild with bunch of people who like help each other out on a dime. If their is reset i just gather all my things and setup a chest on Panda res. and maybe it well better organized are community its whatever in the future i just know im going be part of it.

    -sidenote- how can someone get bored on EMC just live in wild with some buddies , keeps me entertain everyday
  18. ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. Alright, i cant seem to find the tree farm lol. Anyone online want to show me where it is? :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.