Unfortunately, you missed it by one person. :/ Don't worry though, there will be more rounds in the future! But, for now... Oh lordy that's a large image Row 1: Jay2a, 607, jacob5089, FadedMartian Row 2: MajorHaze, Foxy_Kitty, SkeleTin007, Sazukemono Row 3: SunnyStorm7, TomvanWijnen, Carbonyx, Sydney4363 Row 4: Smooshed_Potato, CarFryer, jewel_king, belac555 As per another bit of feedback, I'm going to give you guys a few days to strategize before I release the form. Feel free to scheme on this thread or in PM's. The voting form for round 1 will be released on Sunday, 10/14. Best of luck to everyone!
I'm not going to play aggressively this round. I might be out quickly as a result, but we'll see. In any case: if you are playing aggressively, I wouldn't mind helping you out, if you send me a message! I just won't take initiative.
I'm gonna be honest, I've never played before so I'm kinda shaky on the rules. Not sure if that's good or bad to most people
It's a little bit of a weird concept if you've never played it before but I think you'll catch on pretty quick
Im in the new group too, here... 😋 Not sure how i wanna play it just yet. Still in the "wait and see" phase 😉
Don't worry, you should understand it by the second or third round. (As long as you don't get out before then, *coughcough607coughcough*)
The convo has been started and round 1 voting is now open! Round 1 will end on Tuesday, 10/16, at 9:00 pm EMC time or whenever all 16 votes are in, whichever comes first.
Most-Voted: Smooshed_Potato (5 votes) Safe: Jay2a, MajorHaze, SunnyStorm7, Smooshed_Potato, CarFryer, jewel_king, belac555 The First Loser: Sazukemono (3 votes) Unsafe: 607, jacob5089, FadedMartian, Foxy_Kitty, SkeleTin007, TomvanWijnen, Carbonyx, Sydney4363 Round 2 will end on Thursday, 10/18, at 9:00 pm EMC time or whenever all 15 votes are in, whichever comes first.