Post an Obnoxious Lie about the Player Above.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by cTJx, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. Sorry Keph.

    Keph is a heartfilled idiot whose words are meaningless.

    Really sorry. xD
    Foxy_Kitty and Kephras like this.
    (okay back to the game)

    HopeWarrior is still in love with me nothing can stand between us now <3
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  3. Foxy_kitty's Trip to the moon was "uneventful and boring" she told me! she regrets trading her ore-buster for the ticket
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  4. IceQueen's profile picture is a self portrait
    Foxy_Kitty and IceQueenDawn like this.
  5. Otus ate all of my almond butter! :eek:
  6. IsaacNorman secretly has 100 residences without Aikar or Krysyy's permission!
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  7. StnyWitness has, in fact, not witnessed any stony behavior.
    Foxy_Kitty likes this.
  8. Slvr has been seen to sneak cookies to SkeleTin007 incognito.
  9. Skele pays Slvr on the down low for these deliveries. When you want the next batch? Just ring me. ;)
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  10. Slvr isn't actually silver despite what it may imply. They're actually a very bright shade of grey that merely appears silver, but really is just boring old grey.
    Stnywitness and Slvr like this.
  11. XD

    Ritunn is in fact, a green eyed fox.
    Ritunn likes this.
  12. Oh yea because I totally can afford an ore buster... :p

    Stnywitness and I haven't met... EVER...
    Stnywitness likes this.
  13. Lol.
    Foxy has never been to my res. Ever.
  14. Stny is on so much like I mean even more than me and he always complains that I'm never on...
  15. Foxy is a terrible thief who tried to steal the bacon off my cheeseburger.
  16. Kephras was caught sneaking into my top secret laboratory the other day in order to steal my plans for building a rocket to go to space and replace said plans with bacon-less cheeseburgers..
    Kephras likes this.
  17. Carfryer has a pink secret labratory.
    CarFryer likes this.
  18. XD XD

    Hmm... Foxy_Kitty is secretly Aikar's alt...
  19. That would be my honor omg

    Stny wants to kill HopeWarrior and replace her spot in being my secret lover
    Stnywitness likes this.
  20. Foxy_Kitty despises Aikar and wants to depose of him lol