Should Pineapples Go On Pizza (Community Discussion)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by datheOne, Jul 17, 2018.


should pineapples go on pizza

Poll closed Jul 25, 2018.
yes 13 vote(s) 31.7%
NO 7 vote(s) 17.1%
I don't care 5 vote(s) 12.2%
Never 6 vote(s) 14.6%
either is fine 3 vote(s) 7.3%
always 2 vote(s) 4.9%
other 0 vote(s) 0.0%
sometimes 5 vote(s) 12.2%
  1. We're talking about sliced fruit on a different food... What "exactly" about that requires a high IQ...?
  2. (Rick and Morty copy pasta parody) (but i didn't make it long)
    607 likes this.
  3. To be fair you need a fairly high IQ to understand Pineapple pizza. The details is extremely subjective, and without a solid grasp of pineapples and pizza most of the taste will go over a typical pizza goer head. There's also pineapples, which deflated by is characteristics - is character draws heavily from sweetness. the fans understand this stuff; they have intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depth of adding pineapples to pizza, to realize they're not just weird-they
    say something deep about pizza. As a consequence people who dislike pineapple on pizza are idiots-of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance the sweetness, the existential crisis of not having the sweetness. the pineapple is cryptic reference for a need for pizza to capture the taste of the pineapple. I'm smirking right now just imaging addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Sam Panopoul's genius unfolds itself in the restaurant field. And yes by the way I do have a pineapple pizza tattoo. And no , you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only-And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. (could be better)
  4. alright now is time to read it
  5. ... and decide to reject the concept as an abomination, yeah, true! Or just a plain sound sense of good taste, too. :D

    Also, the wise French Nation -you know, the ones that fix the global high-standard where food is concerned :D - have a secret : no one can be elected Chef if he puts a pineapple less than 1m away from a pizza or a tomato.
  6. Italian pizza is good, but I do think I prefer American pizza. :p
  7. Not sure where you got this idea from, but if it's just from your visit to Rome, I can promise you, from my own experience, some of the pizzas served in Rome are terrible compared to what they make in the rest of the country. :)

    Actually, in general I was (a bit) disappointed with a big part of what I ate in restaurants, it wasn't nearly as good as in the rest of Italy.
    PhoenixAffinity and 607 like this.
  8. I'm not talking about place, I'm talking about type. When you go to the supermarket to buy pizzas, you can buy American or Italian pizzas.
  9. Hawaiian pizza used to be my fave, but I'm vegetarian now so I can't have it, but Domino's Hawaiian pizza will always have a place in my heart.
  10. The French are complete losers. If there were not more pressing issues facing the United Kingdom right now, we'd invade them just for this and kick their teeth in harder than we did in the War of Spanish Succession, the War of Austrian Succession, the Seven Years' War, and the Napoleonic Wars combined. Then we shall behead Macron for this crime against humanity and the millions of others I can't discuss in a non-controversial thread.
    TheBidule likes this.
  11. all pizza are created equality but some...
  12. I'm surprised that this is even a discussion, it's just a food...

    If you like pineapple on pizza, great. If not, then don't eat it.

    I don't see a reason to go any deeper than that...
    607 and TomvanWijnen like this.
  13. No, it's too juicy and clunky
  14. lol that kinda the point is ment as a counter discussion
  15. The real question is, should pineapple go on burgers.
    My personal opinion,
    Have mercy on my well prepared delicious concoction of cheese, vegetables, and beef! Unless the beef has been marinated in it with a mix of some spicy peppers with a slightly neutral flavor.
    It appears I have already defeated myself into a realm where foods have multiple approaches to them.

    The pineapple pizza might go well if you try to tame the sweet tangy flavor of the pineapple with some spiciness, there may be some other way I have never come to know, be all merciful to my taste in food for I have never ventured too far into the realm of fantastic or near sublime taste. I know the methods of the merciless spice, not for everyone but powerful in the way of mixing flavor and what I could presume is pain.

    The human body was made to react to certain things, spiciness causes the person who consumes capsaicin which is contained in what we consider spicy foods. The sensation that the body reacts with is a form of burning sensation, some might hate it, others would say it has a similar effect to that of a bone in chicken wing where the bone adds extra flavor to the food (In the case of spiciness the way the body reacts to the spiciness is with the burn). When I have gone to eat wings I tend to aim toward boneless wings (The bone flavor is not for everyone) or if the option is available, chicken tenders, I go for the spicy flavor though I have never imagined a case where I imagined ,"What if there was no spicy flavor to the tangy mango habanero wings I ordered?". It would taste unbalanced, almost as if I were eating sweet orange chicken, in time I would most likely lose my appetite and save the food for later as I fill up on the fries that came with the order. With this tongue and cheek knowledge I have concluded that there may be more to the pineapple on pizza ordeal.

    I have eaten a good pizza and a mediocre pizza, I have eaten a good Hawaiian pizza (Not from Hawaii but rather from a Dominoes or a local pizza place) and a mediocre one. From the side of mediocrity I realize that it was the condiments that killed the experience that tainted the memory from said food for that short period of time. Pineapple is good with ham but at the same time ham is not that much of an aggressive flavor. The cheese and sauce were good but the tomato flavor blended with the sweetness of the pineapple causing it to be sweeter. On the other hand I had a great experience when a pepper was added into the equation, be it biting from a jalapeno bathed in vinegar or seasoned with generic peppers. Even if it was sweet I did enjoy focusing on the clash of two flavors. That vaguely leaves my side on the pizza with pineapple, it has been about 30 minutes of me typing, I am tired now.

    The worst I have faced, what turns me away from pineapple in my sandwiches mighty and minuscule (Well putting it that way maybe on such a small portion I would consider it), a sandwich from Carl's Jr that was tropical themed. I just gave my burger to my friend, at the same time I have never really tried a good burger with pineapple in it, one day I shall return to conquer a good burger containing pineapple!

    Conclusion: It is good when it is good, yet bad when it is bad. I have tasted mediocre pineapple pizza and bad pineapple pizza, I leave those unexplained so one might beg the question " Whatchu mean bad pineapple pizza? Here in Carlsbad California the pineapple pizza is never bad. You just wouldn't understand, after this your flavor senses are warped into a more perspective enhancing structure that allows you to gain access to multiple taste receptors unbeknown to mankind! , for you see I have already triumphed among you, for after I am done with my scheme no other man or woman, male or female, lady or dude, girl or child will ever be able to gain access to these pizzas, for you see my name is Carl, and yes indeed Carl is bad, for I am the very founder of that town you once backseat drove by!" or something along those lines, I have nothing better to do and a notification saying somebody replied makes me excited to see that I could read something that somebody else wrote. I encourage criticism on my writing errors and mistakes because I will not be able to improve without a bit of criticism.
    dryicehydra and TomvanWijnen like this.