Share your moments that made you feel good!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by haastregt, Apr 26, 2018.


What do you enjoy most?

Spending time with family 2 vote(s) 15.4%
Spending time with friends 8 vote(s) 61.5%
Meeting new people 3 vote(s) 23.1%
  1. Heya guys and girls :)!
    I don't usually make threads myself, but I felt like making one today about a certain topic.

    So, we all have our better and lesser moments in life. The lesser moments are usually the things that we remember, worry about, have the urge to talk about with others. Which is all fine and good, but sometimes I feel like people should also take a look at the good things they experienced :).

    So, let's share some of these fun, good moments, where all our worries leave us for a bit and we just enjoy!

    Anyways, I'll share my story, the one that made me think of creating this thread and happened yesterday.

    Currently, I and my friends have a 3-week break to *cough* prepare for the upcoming national exams. This also means we are (besides those exams) finished with school. No projects, deadlines, homework, etc... That makes every one of us quite relaxed and we are able to visit each other more easily now that no-one has too much to do.

    So yesterday, I went to Avengers Infinity war in 4D with Jonathan and Ryanne, two very close friends of mine. I enjoyed the movie and liked the 4D, which I had never experienced before, but that was not necessarily what I enjoyed so much yesterday.

    After the movie, we didn't really plan anything before-hand so we all somewhat thought we would just go home again, but when we got near my home, we actually all wanted to still do something together. Jonathan and Ryanne were both home-alone that day, and I didn't know what I'd do at home too. So, we decided to go eat something somewhere. We went to Rotterdam, I have often been there myself (I live there so yeh), Jonathan a couple times too but Ryanne had not before.

    We went to the markthall, a cool build in Rotterdam, and ate some pizza at a restaurant. Afterwards, we bought some ice-cream and just took a walk through the city eating that ice cream while I showed some cool places. That was really enjoyable.

    Meanwhile, it was getting late (about 9PM), but that didn't stop us ;). I called my sister who knows some good places in Rotterdam to do stuff in the evenings, and we decided to just go bowling. Because why not? I got to say, we were all pretty good at bowling and the games were quite exciting. But of course 8), I am the one that got... well... I mean uhm, scores don't matter that much right? :rolleyes:

    Eventually, Jonathan drove us back home. We were singing along with some music and when we arrived at my home I noticed I forgot my keys, but all lights were turned off already. :p Way to go haastregt.

    Today I have a BBQ with our class too, hosted at our mentor's home (he has been our mentor for the last 3 years), which I am also looking forward to!

    Anyways, the point of the story, I just loved how we were having fun with each other, just doing things we wanted to do on the fly, without any but's or what if's. I would definitely want to do stuff like this more often, but obligations and the like often make it very hard to do.
  2. Forewarning, I am on my phone and its Swype is really bad. Take any odd(er than usual) sentences with agrain of salt. :p

    That sounds like it was really fun, haastregt! Nights like those are always nice.

    Lately, I've had some nights like that. Personally I'm not on the best of terms with my family, and haven't been for a while (though things are getting better! :D ), so I tend to enjoy time with my friends more. I recently was able to go to Kings Dominion, a nearby amusement park, with my boyfriend and show him the different rides since he had never been there before. That was a fun day.

    I've also had times just hanging out on EMC where friends are on and we get to chatting. EMC has been a part of my life for nearly 3 years now, and I love the way this community can turn just about any bad day into a good day. :)
  3. Woah, how? :p For us, there wasn't really any social stuff (I did celebrate my birthday, but didn't invite any friends), we were all studying!

    Ah, Rotterdam! To me that's a nice place, because the central station has got a great digital piano. :D It's a lot of fun to play around with different instruments (it's got lots), and at least it doesn't get out of tune like most pianos at other stations. :p

    Sounds fun! That's not really a moment, though, more like a long string of moments. ;P

    When I read the thread title and introduction, I thought of moments where I got complimented on my piano playing.
    Somewhere near the beginning of the year, in class we were asked about things we were proud about. I said I was proud that I had played piano to accompany worship at the week opening. At least a few hours, perhaps a day, later, some girl I didn't know back then passed me in the hallway, and she said that I was justly proud, because I had done really well. That was a very nice confirmation. ^.^

    As you have probably read on my profile, some time ago I got a euro from a stranger after playing some piano at Zwolle. That was honestly more of a moment that made me feel awkward, but in hindsight I am honoured. :p

    During our 'sponsorfietstocht' (how would you say that in English?? :p) last week on Thursday we had lunch at one of our's. I had never been at her home before, and she had a piano which I would like to try, and eventually she invited me to play something. It was quite fun, and because the others were all engaged in conversation, I didn't think they noticed me, so I was quite relaxed (when I know people are listening, I often start feeling too much pressure and can't concentrate as much anymore). However, when I was done, I got complimented on how good it was. Then, when I was doing the montage of our action, I saw Zavanne had actually recorded a bit of my performance. :D I'm glad I didn't notice. :p It was indeed quite good, I'll admit. ;)

    And then for a last moment in this category: yesterday I played some piano in a break, when a few of us were in an unused room together. When I checked Snapchat in the evening, I saw that in our group Snapchat, my other best friend (I don't yet know if I can call her by her real name like I do Zavanne, and I haven't got another name for her) had recorded a clip on Snapchat, with the text "Go [my first name]!!". ^.^
  4. First, Haas, why do all things that you could "enjoy the most" in your poll involve being social? Some of us simpely aren't. :p

    I'd say one of my more recent moment of being pround was when I finnally was able to play Poppy Ackroyd's Feathers. There is no sheet music for it, so I have to play everything by ear, made my own composition of it, as some parts are impossible to hear for me sadly... (basically only the part after 3:30 to whenever that bulk thing ends, but still...) and, well, it's quite a fast song... (spotify link)
    If you want to know why I say it's fast... skip to 3:00 :p You both have to hit a lot of keys, and still keep it all really calm...
    The same goes for the first part of Jarrod Radnich's Pirates of the carebian... that one is a lot less dificult though... it is grand and looks dificult, but I learned it in less than a week, to get bored of learning it, I don't really like the song that much, I just wanted to show of with it. :p
    Next to that... not really... m not really what you'd call "depression free"
  5. Hmm, nice but difficult thread ;) Some of the things are a bit personal for me and therefor make me a little more hesitant with sharing.

    What I enjoy most is basically spending time with my gf. We don't live together and we both actually prefer it this way, even though we really love each other and enjoy spending time together. We usually meet up during the weekends to enjoy a good time.

    Which can sometimes honestly mean that she's relaxing on the couch with her laptop in the living room while I'm behind my computer in my work room (which is connected with the living room, so we can still talk to each other somewhat ;) ). Sometimes even playing Minecraft on my LAN server.

    But I enjoy our rides the most. Either on the motor or scooter (when touring we usually prefer the scooter even though it doesn't go as fast as the motor, for the simple reason that you can stop at any moment you want. Or get to places which are impossible to reach with either a motor or car).

    In case I never mentioned it: I'm a die hard bi-cycler :D I prefer riding a bicycle, scooter or motor over a car. Even during colder seasons like winter. The only time I don't ride is if it has been snowing and the roads are slippery. Then I usually rely on walking and/or public transportation.

    But temperatures of 4 - 6 degrees Celsius don't stop me from grabbing my gear for a scooter or motor ride.

    Other than weekends we also enjoyed some vacations together and in the last 8 or so years (this has been going on for a long time already) we always get together during the Holiday season. At least for the whole week. Also always at my place because my apartment is a little bigger I guess and for some reason I usually end up doing the cooking :D

    Many of our friends don't understand why we do what we do and I guess it's hard to explain. But it also helps that we both don't really care too much about what others think or say about us.

    hmm... one of the very few times I'm not too sure if I should push reply to thread or not. oh well ;)
  6. I am gonna not go too much into detail so I will say it short and sweet :p

    1. Family time
    2. Friends hangout
    3. EMC of course :)
  7. I'm not going to say that it is one of our better features, but almost all my friends do stuff last second. Learn the evening before, making full projects starting a couple days before the deadline... I guess that in about a week or something we'll all get stressed out pretty harshly though, because we didn't prepare for anything yet :p. Even if we would be learning though, I still think it would be good to take a break from all the learning at some moment.

    I actually thought about an option for that, I had a reason for not adding it but I can't remember it. :oops: (I really hoped that I would be at least triple my current age before having memory issues... :rolleyes:).

    Also, I am not that dedicated of a piano player myself, but I can (somewhat) play the Pirates of the Carribean songs too. It took me quite some more practice, though :p

    Those are some really nice moments shared here, I loved reading all the replies so far! :D
  8. I wish you could check off more than one for the survey. :p

    Once, someone paid me 10,000,000,000 rupees.
    Actually, it hasn't happened yet... But it would be a good moment! (HINT HINT HINT)
  9. How about for a moment that's in the past already? ;)
  10. Jeez... You don't get anything, do you, It's about a moment that is in the future in the past. of course that counts.
    And, Haas, I suggest looking up what the Jarrod Radnich version is... It's quite spectecular :p
    MoreMoople, q1zx and haastregt like this.
  11. Ten billion rupees? Are you sure? :p
    And yes, it is. :D Do you play the final chord as well? ;)
    q1zx likes this.
  12. Ummm... Once my crush got assigned to the same team as me in gym. :p
    crystaldragon13, 607 and haastregt like this.
  13. Eating that first apple fritter in the morning while everyone is still sleeping.
  14. The fact that you're Dutch means you don't have to :p

    Anyway, this is... more difficult than I expected.

    As I'm sure that as you all know there's a girl who's really, really special to me. I love her more than I love anyone else, which is weird because we've never met eachother in real life. She's a Serb living in Germany, while I'm an Englishman living in... England. There's a thousand kilometres between us both.

    A few months ago, we discussed her family's troubled past, which I'm not going to go into because it would 1) be wrong and dishonourable to share specifics, and 2) it's not exactly appropriate for such a thread or EMC. It lasted for a few hours and by the end of it she had spilled more details about it onto me than she ever had before. I apologised, thinking I'd pushed her too hard with so many follow-up questions, but she shut that down and said that it felt good to talk about it with someone for the first time ever. That was also the first time she ever said 'I love you' to me. That was pretty good.

    More recently, she had a night out with her friends. She wouldn't stop calling me. And we also said "I love you" with our actual voices for the first time to eachother. That was nice. Then it got funny after her best friend told me she kept saying she loved me and wanted to date me but was sad we live in two different countries to everyone while she was... doing what any good Slavic girl does with alcoholic beverages.

    Even more recently: her birthday was last week! I collaborated with her best friend to buy her a birthday present. It was a mug that we've had an inside joke about for pretty much the whole time we've known eachother. I got a recording of her getting it and everything - she doesn't know that exists and she's pretending that she didn't start laugh-crying and calling me cute and screaming with excitement (I think? :confused:) over the note that came with it. That's been the highlight of this absolute crap month, and it would be even if the month was good.

    Hopefully I can add a fourth moment in August after I meet her in real life. This was supposed to happen in March, but she got the sack at her job and they waited a month to tell her after not calling her in when they were supposed to, so she couldn't afford to go. The plan is for sometime in August... but we'll see.

    One that's not about this girl: when I didn't really revise for my GCSEs two years ago. I went through a really bad depressive period of about a month that coincided with the exams, I couldn't study, and I even missed an exam. I spent the next two months afterwards having the best summer of my life but with this constant fear that I'd failed secondary school. Panicked on the morning of my results, favourite song was on the radio as my mum drove me to get them, we parked, I took a deep breath, went into the library, got handed my results, opened them, braced for the lowest grades possible all over the paper... I passed most of them at a C grade, got a B in history, and only failed two. That was super cool.
  15. I had a pretty good memory just last night. It was prom of my senior year (on a wednesday which is weird), and I went with my girlfriend of 16 months. I typically dislike the music, but my girlfriend managed to get the dj to play our song and it was a really magical moment. Basically every moment with this girl is amazing, but I definitely won't forget this one.
  16. I hadn't heard about this yet! :eek:

    Oh, that reminds me... On the first day of secondary education, I fell in love with a girl... (there's a picture on the Show Yourself thread, but that was years after I was in love with her... she's still beautiful, though) One day in Physical Education, we were playing mat-dodgeball. I've no idea if that's a correct English term, but it's dodgeball, but both teams have got one of those big fat mats standing up-right horizontally, and you need to keep it up. If it falls to the ground, your team loses. So usually, there are two people there holding the mat all the time, so it doesn't fall; if one of those people gets hit, a teammate will quickly replace them, until there are too few people, or both people get hit at once, and the mat can't be saved.
    Anyway: you can probably guess by my lead-up, who were behind that mat at one point... the girl and I. :p For some time, there wasn't any danger, so we didn't have to watch out, but just needed to keep the mat steady. Then there was one moment when we looked at each other, and she smiled at me... and I felt like I was drowning. :rolleyes:
    For Valentine's Day, we had to write a Valentine's poem in Dutch class, and I wrote a poem around that moment. I wrote it twice; once for my teacher, once for the girl... and I did give it to her!! I'm still proud. ;) It took me years, even when I wasn't in love with her anymore, before I dared to ask her about the poem... as it turned out, she kept it, and she's still got it. ^.^
  17. That is so sweet! :D
    You should indeed be proud, it takes an insane amount of courage to open up to someone about your feelings, especially via a poem or something alike. If it works though, opening up makes for some great moments :).

    I have only dared to tell a girl how I felt once, and luckily she felt the same! I was barely able to sleep that night, but it was the fun kind of not being able to sleep :p.

    Good luck! And mostly, enjoy! ;)

    I'm getting good vibes from this thread, all these stories are great! Thanks everyone that shared :D
  18. The site of this make me happy. Knowing whenever i'm in need I have a healthy supply line waiting for me.

    haastregt and MoreMoople like this.
  19. Got a whole shelf of these:
    AncientTower and haastregt like this.
  20. I'm trying to imagine how it must be to drink something like that. I feel like I should once try, but yet I feel like I really shouldn't. xD
    haastregt likes this.