Huh, interesting. More Philips bulbs! In other news: JaguarForums is going strong, I'm starting to feel we won't ever catch up to them. :/
There we go. Seems like the last time I posted was somewhere during the last days of my testweek... was extremely tired then, and apparently I've been too lazy to come back since. Okie, let's quote some people: lol - it's because of you that I now try really hard not to post those double number pictures... quite frustrating sometimes when on my phone, because editing it takes some time there, and sometimes it's quite hard to find another picture with a number... I think that it's 1.5, and since it says per quarter, and spans 4 quarters, it equals to 1.5 * 4 = 6 houses. I do however think that it's quite a weird and pointless graph. (just put it in a table, for such small quantities...) "TwitZip" lol I love that name, hahahahaha Of course you can post two! That first picture says 2(-Ply) indeed, but the second picture says TRI(X)... implying three pictures..? Hmm.... I think it... CANTT get there....... Of course we can catch up to them! Here: Okie, now that we've got that out of the way, time for a picture again. And one with a nice number at that too!
In the Netherlands the average price is 350 euro's per meter squared, wich would be 1 417 500 per acres That what you have there is what I'd call a bargain...