[CLOSED] Promo Prices Thread

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by Tie_Die_Guy, Aug 1, 2017.

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  1. So I have been having so issues with this thread recently due to hitting the 15000 characters mark every time I want to add something I have to take something away. I talked with krysyy about this to see if its possible to add a bigger character mark to threads but also said I might have to reset this thread and put reserved comments under it so I can add more when needed. I know a lot of you guys use this thread a ton to check out prices but the next thread will be the same apart from not having to hit the 15000 characters mark and have my reserved comments under it first. I will let you guys know when I have talked to krysyy again and made the V 2.0 Promo prices thread I will post the link to the new thread in a future comment. Feel free to comment about what you think about all this and if you have any prices that need changing please let me know and I will put it as a note and update them in the new thread that will be coming soon...
  2. i think the rudolph prices might be wrong, ive been trying to find one for almost a month now at that price with no luck so far
  3. Meaning to high? or to low? in price
  4. I would say low now. But who knows of any sales to go by...
  5. You could always offer them more than what this thread says. Just an option :p
    Tuqueque likes this.
  6. I bought my rudolph recent ish (last month ish or so)

    If i remember correctly i payed 550k but i could be wrong
  7. Not certain, but it has seemed to me Rudolf may be harder to find than Incitatus... may want to price based on that... or similar?
  8. So I talked to Krysyy and I have made a new promo prices thread with reserved comments so I have more space New Promo Thread I will be closing this thread go so please go to the new promo thread. Thank you
    deathconn likes this.
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