Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. hey guys yesterday on smp:9 i built a bar if anyone on that server wants to come and buy something they can
  2. Does it sell vodka? D;
  3. sad it's still off
    but i might not be able to connect anyway. **** spamhaus!
  4. Loving the mass notifications from people pointing out the obvious in the fact that it's been down for 10 minutes more than it should have -_- get over it, if there still making EMC better, you can wait the extra time!
    josh303011 likes this.
  5. Was wondering...

    Am i the only one who has such a lack of imagination - that ALL i've done since the servers went down - is sitting here, looking at "Can't reach server" on my minecraft serverlist?
  6. It was an estimated two hours not exactly two hours
  7. I've been reading Manga... oh and I stopped to get lunch :p
  8. Yes. Yes you are :p
  9. I've been searching for a new minecraft skin =D And spamming my friend's facebook with imgur shares...
    Mynnion likes this.
  10. time for happy wheels!
  11. and youtube marathon...
  12. They must have edited to post. Jkjk
  13. Make your own skin, it's original and you have to like it XD
  14. No.. people are clever, they'll always put an estimate, never an ultimate, so they can cover their hides when things go wrong :3
  15. I think I'm PARANOID (love that song)
    kevdudeman likes this.
    (reads main post) Oh
  17. So far the server's have been down 2 and a half hours, the 2 hour mark was an estimated time for repairs. Even if there was no problems with the bug fixes and repairs it still takes time to do this work and Justin wants to get it right for us so lets be patient. It will be worth it in the end :D
    MuffinCraft15 likes this.
  18. While we are all here, I am looking for suppliers for my shop on smp6 res 13130. If you come along check the shop chests for prices and use the signs by right clicking them to sell stuff to the shops.
    P.s Pls don't spam me for hijacking this post I am bored lol. Be cool :cool:
  19. hope so,
    well, back to happy wheels!