Empire Minecraft should to convert to MinecraftPE (Denied)

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Buildershed, Aug 24, 2017.


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I agree 1 vote(s) 2.1%
I disagree 38 vote(s) 79.2%
I love this post, this needs to happen 0 vote(s) 0.0%
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  1. If you didn't know, Microsoft is killing off Minecraft(Java), they're going to rename it to Minecraft Community Edition so It's probably time to Convert the server to Minecraft PE(Bedrock Engine).

    The bedrock engine is what Microsoft is calling what MCPE runs on.

    Why should Aikar convert the server over?

    Simple answer!

    More people, people from console, mobile, and more!
    Minecraft Java owners get a free copy of Minecraft Win10, you can join PE servers from Win10.
    Buy stuff ingame!

    More money need to pay monthly
    ShelLuser and Galantisizer like this.
  2. Microsoft is absolutely, positively 100% not shutting down the Java edition for Minecraft. I will bet my next paycheck on it.

    Aikar and co also do not have the time or resources to convert an entire server over to a different platform, without greatly dividing the player base. It's not something that will ever happen until Microsoft is on EMC's virtual doorstep, bullying us off of the "old" platform. Until this happens, EMC is not going anywhere.

    EDIT because I can - have you tried MCPE multiplayer? tl;dr, it sucks. And nothing like the scale of an actual server could thrive on a mobile phone.
  3. Yeah...

    ShelLuser, Oriethet, 607 and 4 others like this.
  4. This won't happen.

    Java edition is staying -- PE and console editions (minus Playstation?) will be merged (in some form) to allow cross-platform play.
    Oriethet likes this.
  5. no it should not
    Oriethet and DoubleCakes9001 like this.
  6. I don't know where you heard that Microsoft is killing off the Java edition, but that's just plain incorrect. The only thing Microsoft is doing is renaming the java edition to "Minecraft Java Edition" and the PE version will become "Minecraft". Thats it. Nothing is being killed off.

    I have a source for this somewhere, let me find it.

    EDIT: Source https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/better-together-faq
  7. Sources? By saying it means nothing unless you have sources...

    And No, This would be a very bad choice as its way harder to play EMC on any other device then a PC. Less control options.
  8. I'd say "way harder" is a major overstatement. It's Minecraft, not an FPS or something that actually requires accuracy.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  9. I don't think that's what they were getting at.
    BlitzAttack and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  10. Microsoft goal for Minecraft, the brand, is to make it a 100-year-old brand, and I seriously doubt that the PC game will remain for 100 year, so in its time, it will have to be killed, but at the current times, Mojang has no intention in doing so. The multiplayer community is on the PC, not some PE @!$%#. Although it does generate more revenue because it is not a one time purchase, PC will always remain better and the original.
  11. So what were they getting at?
  12. That makes no sense? She said she thought it was much harder to play on PE, not that she needed to take a moment to analyze what PE controls are
  13. TBH, i dont want to respond, as you will disagree with what i say anyway...

    But picture how hard it would with all the options emc has added on a cell phone. Or trying to type or use the commands on say a controller on the xbox...
  14. Well everyone on EMC has a keyboard (I'm assuming), so why would you use the controller to type on XBox? Also, EMC is not ridiculously command based. The chat is there as an added option, and you can survive easily on EMC with minimal command usage. And yes I will disagree with what you say. Not because I just want to, but because I have an argument that is not only valid, but also incredibly easy to prove as being so.
  15. Heard of laptop? Many people play on laptops and dont have a Keyboard... There is the play your own way... try using that on a controller to set stuff...

    Nvm i am not going to get into it, as i already said, and you are doing it, you are disagreeing with it...
    Vortixin and Nickblockmaster like this.
  16. ^^^

    EMC would be hard to play on a non-computer basis. Finch rightly pointed out that commands would be hard to type, and a lot of EMC revolves around commands (vaults, stables, server switching, going to your res).
  17. "/vault ___" : Base access - 7 characters, with aliases being a case by case basis. That is not challenging
    "/stable <store,list,summon #>" - 14 characters maximum. Once again, not difficult.
    "/smp # or /utopia" - 5-7 characters. One again, not difficult.
    "/v _____" : Maximum of 7 characters if you are going to a 5 digit res. Once again, not difficult.

    More of EMC is physically playing the game, not typing commands. A phone's keyboard is a very minor inconvenience anyways, it's not like it's slowing you down much whatsoever, so it's not going to make the game hard.
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