TIL Bat Boating is fun, but dangerous

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by DrEllis, Jul 5, 2017.


Should Bat Boating be government regulated?

Yes 6 vote(s) 33.3%
No 5 vote(s) 27.8%
Idk, but diorite looks like bird poop. 7 vote(s) 38.9%
  1. Did a little bat boating today.

    Raaynn couldn't really handle it... :p

  2. will someone please think of the bats? :D
    mjnoe70 and ellisbrewer like this.
  3. What in the...? How is this possible?
    Ryan_A_ likes this.
  4. Want to enjoy it yourself? It's at smp6 town spawn.
  5. You can blame me.
  6. Please put one of these at every spawn.
    FadedMartian and Ryan_A_ like this.
  7. Mr. Chicken... what did you do??
  8. He did this as he was only on smp6 to see my concrete machine lol.
  9. Truth be told, I originally came up with the idea at Miner Mania on some unknown server. Then I spawned in some more bat boats later just for fun. They can fly kick ya, so I am holding off on making more for the time being.
  10. Hehe.. bite was your guinie pig for that one...
  11. Don't take my comment in the wrong way please... (not just aimed at you Chickeneer).

    It's a nice change to see staff do something more sporadically without thinking too much about the consequences than all the (this is just my impression!): predetermined and regulated stuff.

    Seriously loving this one a whole lot more now!
    ellisbrewer, 607 and FadedMartian like this.
  12. Seems dangerous, dangerously cool.
  13. Heya Finch, I made my own machine, could I see yours?
  14. See my profile comments for info...
  15. Day 1: chickeneer creates a bat-powered boat

    Day 2: The bat mindlessly wanders around in the dangerous jungle

    Day 3: A skeleton forces me to abandon the boat
  16. The title of that survey thing omg.
    ellisbrewer likes this.