Buh bye.

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Uber_Corq, May 18, 2017.

  1. Best of luck outside of EMC Uber. Didn't know you. :) Hope you come back 1 day. P.S can I have your head. :)
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  2. Wait, what? you're leaving? uuhhmm, well, I thought you'd left alredey so you didn't really suprise me that much... But really, You're really not the kind of person I like to see leaving (not that there are :rolleyes: ) But, wow, man, I'd say, good luck, and have a great Lunch.
    607 and Uber_Corq like this.
  3. You certainly made the forums more interesting with some of the ridiculous threads you created. Well hope you have a good time, and I certainly hope you enjoyed those 5 years.
    mjnoe70 and Uber_Corq like this.
  4. Hard to forget my first awkward moment on EMC. :p

    You will be missed bud. Best of luck in your future endeavors and drop by to say hi from time to time. :)
    607 and Uber_Corq like this.

  5. Seriously though I'm sad to see you go. I loved that threads of thread to be thread... thread. And I'd like to thank you for your service as a moderator in the past, as well :)
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  6. A sad thing to see you leave! You did quite a bit for emc and we'll miss you!
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  7. YOU'RE pidgey? Gosh darnit, we shoulda spent more time together O-o
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  8. Canada's flags shall be at half mass in your honour. Good luck in the future :)
    Uber_Corq, Raaynn and Shadow_Dcord like this.
  9. Quite right.... tho maybe half mast would be better instead of just at church...
    All us Canadians look forward to a triumphant return!
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  10. Stuff like this is what made you so fun to be around :p Bye and good luck with life uber!
    Uber_Corq likes this.

  11. See ya later Canadian Moderator.....
    *bad inside joke *
    Uber_Corq and Kephras like this.
  12. Good luck :) You will be missed !
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  13. Gee, why does this sound so familiar...
    Guess we all hit that point sooner or later. Though EMC's community makes it bloody hard to walk away from, even when the "minecraft" part has long since lost its appeal.

    I laughed. And also, nay. I formally decline your offer of personal combat.
    That would imply I have something to prove, and the SMP8 thread speaks for itself. ^_~

    Best of luck to you in your endeavors. I fully expect you'll be back or just lurk around and make the odd forum post now and then, but on the off-chance you have better success "leaving" than I did, hopefully you find somewhere just as awesome to put down a few roots.
    607, Uber_Corq and Eviltoade like this.
  14. Glad to have known you for so long! Maybe you remember my "legendary" parkour race a couple years ago that you were in, one of my fav EMC moments. Good luck in wherever real life takes you ;)
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  15. Who will tell my story now? :(

    Best of luck. We will be seeing you again, even if briefly.
    B4DMAN5IMON and Uber_Corq like this.
  16. Bye Uber. Best in all your future endeavors. Have fun. Well, how can you not, you live in the best country in the world. ;) All the best. :)
    Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  17. Good luck. For those willing enough to make a goodbye post, it's not uncommon to see them coming back to their last post to give likes, or sign in in-game a year later. So when I say good luck, I mean good luck avoiding the pull-back :p
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  18. All those parting threads honestly motivate me to continue playing. I'm still having tons of fun on the Empire in general (when I'm on), but I've also been buried with work as of late :confused: But... I have to be honest: it also doesn't help that I actually love my work and even fancy the tools (software) I'm working with.


    Corq, I am highly offended here. Whatever happened to the Uber Pick? :D Yeah, I see what's going on, you cashed in on that and now you got enough money to run off. Awwwww :(

    More seriously... Sorry to see you take off buddy. I have to agree though, over time some parts of Minecraft can become repetitive, especially if you've been playing for a longer time. And some of the new MC features don't always compensate for that. But yeah...

    Still hoping to see you back again sometime. Maybe upcoming Holiday season?

    (edit): Crap... I revealed my alt... no drinks for me this evening :D
    607 and Uber_Corq like this.
  19. Great, now we need a new "answer person" who seems to know everything about everything emc... ...and no way am I applying for that job plus I'm only like 4 months in so I know little in the overall workings of EMC.

    Anyway, I can't say I know you at all in game but I have been the recipient of many a great responses that helped me as I've played. Your knowledge and politeness in dealing with all of us newer players will be sorely missed.

    ...and I have little in rupees but I would love to have a ShelLuser head to display next to my 2017 Aikar, Orange Krysyy and some others some day. Though it may partially a ploy just to get you back in the game for a moment! ;)
  20. Wait, you're asking a ShelLuser head from Uber_Corq?