Hello everyone! Even though I've been on the server for almost 500 days I figured I should properly introduce myself. I am TheOtherShell and as you can see by my name I'm another ShelLuser Yes gang, Shell decided that having one of him around wasn't enough Good news, now you'll get twice the posts for half the price! .... or something Any rumours about my introduction having anything to do with the other other Shell's upcoming event are honestly just that: rumours. I wouldn't bother jotting down the date somewhere so that you can remember it when the real event starts Hope to see all of you in-game and please remember: It's better to have one Shell in the game than 2 Shells on the forums... or.. I dunno Have a nice weekend!
I imagine the amount of guides poping up in the forums over a few weeks.... I mean, I need another Jelle to read all of that...
I think you really should come out of your shell... no need to be shy eh. Just speak up if you have something to say.
O No 2 of Shel's long posts and rants for the price of 1 D: help me!!!! Anyways Hi TheOtherShel, How ya doing?
First and foremost: Welcome to the Empire, Shell! You state that you have spent almost 500 days on here already! That's a long time! Did you know that if you play too much, it may ruin your brain? This brings us to our more important topic at hand. You seem a bit confused here, Shell. Did you know that confusion/memory loss can actually be a sign of delirium? This can be very serious if not enough attention is given to it. After all, http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/288890-clinical states, "Some patients with delirium also may become suicidal or homicidal. Therefore, they should not be left unattended or alone." We certainly don't want that happening now do we? Here are a couple things to help you. The main symptoms of delirium include the following: Clouding of consciousness Difficulty maintaining or shifting attention Disorientation Illusions Hallucinations Fluctuating levels of consciousness It seems that you may be just a bit disoriented there, Shell. Please keep a careful eye out! Please know that we are there for you; always, no matter what happens. If you ever have a doubt or need some counseling, I am aways happy to help someone in need. However, please take note of this useful piece of information: Patients with delirium who are hypoactive are withdrawn, less active, and sleepy. Have you been having less activity lately? Have you been feeling a bit more sleepy than usual? These are some key things to watch for. On that note, my dear friend Shell, I do hope you have a swell stay on the Empire! Please talk to me if you have any questions or concerns. I would be more than happy to answer them
Gosh... just read this and now I am so worried for Shel. Is there anything we can do to help..??? Now that he appears to have a split personality is that even more dangerous? Like twice as bad? And would it be suicide?... homicide? Or in fact both at the same time?! ... on the other hand maybe we dont have to worry as much... as he will now never be alone if they have each other.... What should we call him now? ShelShel? Or refer to each individually?? Maybe TopShel and BottomShel Or Shel-Ay and Shel-Be ... its all become so Helter Shelter round here...