[Poll] What stops you from posting on a thread?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by EnderMagic1, Feb 16, 2017.


What stops you from posting on a thread?

A 10 vote(s) 18.9%
B 10 vote(s) 18.9%
C 31 vote(s) 58.5%
D 7 vote(s) 13.2%
E 23 vote(s) 43.4%
F 3 vote(s) 5.7%
G 15 vote(s) 28.3%
H 12 vote(s) 22.6%
I 4 vote(s) 7.5%
Other 6 vote(s) 11.3%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Well still, my first two situations still apply to threads other than giveaways.
  2. A poll without any visible answers makes me really nervous and might stop me from posting :D

    Not this one of course... I think :)
    607 likes this.
  3. Most probably my reason is the most pathetic, but I always seem to have that constant itch or fear of people judging me. I find this itch so pathetic and selfish but I can't seem to override it.

    Whenever I look at a thread, I feel the urge to post but then when I examine the posts I am really eager to post. But then that itch comes and I kind of just forget about posting and move on to the next thread. This is a constant cycle and its really a pathetic cycle.

    There other factors too, every post I make, I want it to last so I just read it thousand times over and then the itch comes and I never get to post. That might be the reason I am not so known on the forums rather in-game, as pathetic it is in-game I feel like that once I post it is gone forever, although its still there in chat logs, that itch doesn't come. Indeed it sounds selfish or pathetic but what can I say, its me?
    Daynsyy, SirCue and 607 like this.
  4. I type out replies to most threads, reaize most people don't care of my opinion or my post serves no greater purpose, then delete and go back to lurking in the shadows.
  5. Sometimes I type out a post. Read it and then realize it is stupid. So I just delete it and not post on that thread.
  6. Huh. It seems like lots of people are having roughly the same problem.
    I'd challenge you: hit 'Post Reply' a little more often! :)
  7. I like to reply, I'll reply more often. See I make post sound fun! Clouds of Gas!!!! the creeper farted and I died.
  8. These answers are very intresting.. :eek:
    AKing707 likes this.
  9. Probably because the majority of the recently active threads are auctions which I have absolutely no interest in, or because I don't have anything to add to a thread or because someone else has replied with exactly the same as what I would say about the topic.
    607 likes this.
  10. bump - for those who didn't see this thread yet
  11. The main reasons I don't post is because I genuinely feel it wouldn't make a difference, either in creating a response, or piquing the interest of any reader.