The fact is, you are a small part of the Empire Minecraft community.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Buildershed, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Everyone on the Empire is important to me. And don't you guys forget it.
    MCSaw, ShelLuser, 607 and 4 others like this.
  2. <3
    God_Of_Gods likes this.
  3. True. I considered adding the quote, "To the world, you're just one person, but to one person you might be the world." Couldn't find a graphic of it I liked though.
    ShelLuser, 607 and NuclearBobomb like this.
  4. idk about you.
    but im a pretty big deal
    im atleast 98 percent of the community
    ShelLuser and NuclearBobomb like this.
  5. ditto
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  6. But... weren't we all also Hashhog's alts? :confused:

    So, wait a second here... Does this mean Hashhog is... <mind blown> :D
  7. The force is strong here...Binds us all as one. All for one and one for all...
    ChespinXMas2k16 likes this.
  8. Everyone here are alts of each other.
    ChespinXMas2k16 likes this.
  9. Yes, you can do just that math...
    but you can also do a little experiment: think about an empire-minecraft-player who you started to be freinds with that left. do you think that the fact that that person left makes a .02% change to your gameplay? I think it's more. you can also try this in real life: What if your mother died? is that a 1/8billion change? yes, it is, but not for you. you need to think bihind those numbers, beacuse, let's be honest, numbers alone are useless and nothing happens exactly the way sientists say. Think ahead to know what's actually happening.

    Now it's time for some sience
    That fact that the usniverse is expanding doesn't mean the things there are, are worth less, since there's nothing added to it (exept space, if you want to) so that doesn't make any sense... also, if you beleve in the big freeze (one of the scientific theories of the end of the universe) all matter will once be turned in to energy, so if you wait for a few years, there is less matter, wich also means that the matter you're made of becomes more rare.
    Something else you might want to consider is the amount of actual living creatures possibly isn't that big, since the step it takes to make a mutiple-celled creature is really rare (they think).

    (sorry for bad grammar and spelling, it's too late for me to type well...)
    607 likes this.
  10. Not insignificant. As the atoms are tiny and we don't see them with the naked eye or might not even seem as they are of no importance they still hold everything together that is life. Not 1 being is unimportant. You are the small part in the big picture and you count. As 1 pixel may seem unimportant to many viewers it still makes the whole picture complete. When 1 is no more you'll notice it. As the universe will notice you. Even if your existence only counted for 0.0000000000000000001% of the universe, that percentage is still important because with out you it can never make 99.99999999999999999999% a 100%.
  11. It looks like bitemenow15 and WayneKramer make up 196% of the Empire.

    Anyway, here is an oldie, but still cool.
  12. I am 100% part of SMP2 and SMP2 is me :p
    ShelLuser likes this.