The fact is, you are a small part of the Empire Minecraft community.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Buildershed, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Do you think your very big on EMC.

    Think again because if you do the math, you are just 0.00021722177% of the Empire Minecraft community.

    How did you find this out.

    First, if you go to the members tab, it says there are 460,356 Registered players.

    Each player is 1/460365 of the empire minecraft community.

    Now do 1/460365 as a math problem.

    The answer is:0.0000021722177

    Multiply that by 10 and you get 0.00021722177.

    Then just put a % after that number: 0.00021722177
  2. Technically that isn't accurate due to the existence of alts, but you are right each player is small. But that is why i like EMC, the community makes you big :)
  3. Sorry, that was a little incorrect on my math.

    Here's a better and more accurate version


    Do 1/460363

    You get 0.0000021721988

    and multiply that by 100

    you get 0.00021721988%

    You are 0.00021721988 of the community
    _CheshireCat__ and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Although true, it is a very meaningless statistic. As was already mentioned, there are many alts on EMC. There are also tons of players who are no longer on the server and left. Along with those groups, there are all of the people who simply don't participate in the community at all. If we wanted to look even farther, we could set something up to allow people that post and participate more to count for more of the community.

    Although interesting trivia, there are few conclusions you can actually draw from this. A more interesting statistic would be to check the forums and in-game players for x amount of time and see who participates the most.
  5. I always like to think of myself as part of the 100% for some reason :p
  6. Wait you arent 100% of the community?
  7. So, basically, we are all 0% of the community. :)
  8. so basically we are all irrelevant
  9. no. :p

    Honestly, this is one of the reasons I like emc. I think the server or community is quite small. This allows for more communication, knowing each other better in the long run. And that is what makes emc awesome.
  10. So I've been degraded to the 1% now? awwww :p
  11. well its not like i was having a good day till i saw that
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. I suppose that's true, in a way...
    but in practice, it doesn't work that way.
    See, Aikar, Krysyy, and Chickeneer, then make up for less than 0.001% of the community.
    However, if they would be gone all of a sudden... I am quite certain we'd miss something. ;)
    ShelLuser, Krysyy and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. We'd miss about 250,000 players u mean?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. This statistic is meaningless. Well over half of those people (I'd argue a majority) are inactive and many of them are alternate accounts. Put simply, most of those 460,000 people - in the context of EMC, of course - don't matter.

    And there's also the matter of how people contribute to this community and how much, too.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  15. Well let's actually look at more realistic statistics that I by no means should be saying:
    400k+ players are registered to Empire Minecraft. I notice that a few of them are no longer playing due to lack of interest, jokes on them!, or family issues. This might be a few thousand but I really can't say. As well, alternative accounts rule the Empire. As well saying you're "big" in the community can't be put to a player ratio statistic.

    What you do on EMC reflects on how players view you, and I'm taking a risk posting this of my overall image. Such as khixan: she has been working so hard on a project for the Empire to enjoy and we have given her a very good image on EMC because she most definitely deserves it. Moderators: They, on a daily basis, help the Empire with anything that their power allows them to do; such as banning a advertiser, muting a player that is taking jabs at the server and our most lovely players. Krysyy has been a HUGE part of EMC as well, and we love her for that. So with that and many other players I did not name, are a enormous part of the server which statistics can not show.

    Kindest Regards,
    ShelLuser, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  16. How about this, number of players active last month. 1/6445 = .0016 or .16%. The universe is so big, the Earth and the human race are meaningless. So there's that too.
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. I always did like this graphic...
    MCSaw, Jelle68, ShelLuser and 4 others like this.
  18. Well, the thing is, you might seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, when looking at the entire universe.
    However, significance is relative, and to many people you might be very significant indeed.
  19. Isn't the universe expanding infinitely? Which means we are more insignificant that we, as a race, can currently comprehend? Making us not only insignificant but so insignificant that we don't even understand how insignificant we are.
  20. We're hiz alts :eek: :p
    Wither_Addict and ShelLuser like this.