Well, this idea sparked in this angel's mind... it came across to me that when the move flag is set to false for everyone or just for one person, the player at times would like to know why they can't enter the residence. So my suggestion is adding a feature to when the residence owner can set a message to show on other screens when the move flag is set to false. Suggestions for commands: Everyone: /res movemessage [message] One Person: /res pmovemessage [message] Erase (Everyone): /res movemessage [default or erase] Erase (One Person): /res pmovemessage [default or erase] I don't think this feature should be something open to just supporters simply because anyone can set their move flag to false. Color for the message I think should be &c, the same color for the error message: "You don't have movement permission for that residence". I do see this could be used as a mean way to keep someone off your residence, which is why I'd also like to suggest should this become a feature, moderators should have powers to view & erase the message when necessary. What do you think?
I don't like it, I could see his having some maybe bad msgs at the Res, theses are just my concerns so I put 0.5
If a player is gonna put a bad message here he will also in chat, which if he continually repeats may be seen as an offense(banned). So adding this wont increase the chances of bad messages appearing since chat is opened 24/7 lol
I think this suggestion is a good idea! There are a few things I think should be different, though. The commands should be more simple (instead of two commands, /res movemessage and /res pmovemessage, there should be one): /res movemessage set,add,del,list playername message "Set" would only work for everyone's messages, while "add" and "del" would be for players. /res movemessage set someone I trusted blew up my shop You don't have permission to enter this residence (move flag): someone I trusted blew up my shop /res movemessage add AltiPig reselling You don't have permission to enter this residence (move flag): blowing up my shop and denying it /res movemessage list General - someone I trusted blew up my shop AltiPig - blowing up my shop and denying it