Players should be able to set their time format to military time (a 24-hour clock) in-game and on the forums. Oh, and it would be nice if players could also set their time zones in-game so that using /time would show both EMC time and local time. EDIT: Not all EMC members play in windowed mode. Those who play in fullscreen can't see the time on their taskbars. Setting timezones in-game would allow players to see EMC time and local time at the same time. For players that have trouble converting to EMC time, they can use /time and compare time zones.
I don't know how your computer is set up but mine has a clock at the bottom right.Granted my time zone is the same as EMC. So i never need to do /time.I can see the benefit with what you purpose.+1 on /time time zone
i think the time zone idea is good. but thinking about it more it would just need to show emc time. your comp should be set to your time zone
I personally wouldn't use this as I've got used to using the 12-hour system on international sites. I can see it being preferable to some, though. However, I don't see the use of being able to see your local time in-game, as even if you're not wearing a watch, you should be able to simply F11 and look at your system clock, provided you don't have a very old pc of which the clock battery has run dry and which isn't connected to the internet.
That depends on where you live in America military time is used where i live in the states over non military time
My country doesn't use the metric system either Weird though because my generation gets taught in school to use it but when we go outside everything is in imperial (actually, it's this weird mix of metric and imperial) because the old people don't want to get rid of it. It gets extremely confusing. Is this going off topic lol
Hotel Charley! Brilliant idea. 24 hour clock would alleviate the allusive am/pm issue. Since EMC is world wide all we would have to think about is time zone. I +1 somehow it will work out.
When the forums upgrade... As for in-game, can't you just reference your clock on your computer? I don't know how coding this would go, but my thought is that it's not exactly easy compared to what is there now.
That's at, or /time in-game, or the right-hand bar of the forums when you are on the main page...