Dear EMC staff/players before you disagree on this look at the facts

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by abYoshi, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. abYoshi said:
    The servers feel empty at like 50% of the time and, it only feels fun like a community when events happen. If theres more players for each SMP there will be a greater community and more people doing stuff

    I totally agree with you when you say that the servers feel empty 50% of the time. In my opinion, the Survival gamemode is kinda dying out, and minigame servers are becoming huge. Minecraft is also 6+ years old and Mojang & Microsoft are pushing people to use Xbox and Pocket edition instead of PC edition.

    abYoshi said:
    Frontier outpost they would add more frontier to the other smps I have thought about this for a long time many, other people have to but they don't play EMC anymore.

    You can go millions of blocks out in the frontier if you want, I have multiple outposts 40k+ blocks out. If you want to get far out in the overworld, either travel through the nether, or get an elytra and a bunch of fireworks and fly away from spawn. Last night i spent 2 hours venturing far out into the end frontier getting shulker shells. You just have to work for it.

    i have no clue why my posts are doing this
  2. I tried hard to interpret everything said and here's my opinion. Yes, the servers can feel empty and they do, but removing a whole entire SMP is ludicrous to a point where I don't think it would be worth anyone's time.
    As for the promo market, I'm not much of one to say anything about that, as I'm not much of a promo collector and sell most of my promos. None the less, I think your ideas have been quite... unliked so far.
    We3_MPO, Slvr and abYoshi like this.
  3. I had a chat with abYoshi today and I can most certainly understand the idea behind his comments.

    But instead of trying to get staff to do something why not start by taking some action yourself? Example: smp8 is a popular server, but that didn't happen in a weeks time. It's because the players MADE it popular. SMP1 anyone? I still remember last Halloween period. SMP1 was booming, if you wanted to trick or treat you wanted to head over to smp1. No one really knew how it started but I'm sure part of that is because SMP1 is very friendly & inviting server.

    If you feel the server you're on is dead: try to revive it. Start by trying to chat and keep chat going a bit (without overdoing it of course). Organize some events yourself, invite people over from other SMP's too. A lot of people are in for a simple skin competition every once in a while, esp. if the prizes are good.

    Maybe you can add an event area to your residence? I know of some players who dedicated their whole residence to events which they organize from time to time. Always good fun and... attracts more people to your server as well.

    People usually flock to other servers because of the atmosphere and the players being active. Sometimes for a simple chat, other times for jobs and who knows what.

    But some problems aren't really up for staff to fix in my opinion. In fact, with all due respect obviously, I think you might gain better results if you manage to get the community involved first. Fun fact: plenty of the current staff events we have today started off as community efforts.

    I'm not claiming that this will immediately "fix" things, but it can surely be a start for something bigger.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  4. There have been multiple promos not sold at shop. I personally agree with him in the sense of we shouldn't sell them at shop, but it definitely doesn't make them trash. I mean the only way to get ALL of the 60k gear was through the shop.
  5. Well I think that...
    Oh wait...
    Not even at 10 months yet.
  6. there is nothing wrong with this aspect of emc. make friends....hell, ive had people who were bored message me on facebook and ask if i was home so i could come mining or building or to come see their wildbase. the quality of friends you keep on emc is your problem alone, not EMC's. i got great friends like Nickblockmaster, Qkazooo, Littlegamer04, Amusedstew. all of which i have worked on things with and had alot of fun. so the quality people of emc are still present you just gotta put yourself out there mang
  7. Yes but when I joined it use to be different, with more players on each SMP and a better community. I had more friends when i joined because of a better community we had with more players. So I think condensing some servers, more players would only do better in future of EMC.
  8. And this still has the issue of people's hard work being erased. Sr. Staff, Aikar and the dev team are not going to take the time to download millions of blocks just to make the servers more "condensed." I've never seen a problem with the servers not being busy- almost every SMP is busy at some point or another, and I've made a lot of friends on EMC. There isn't an issue with people not being condensed enough
    We3_MPO likes this.
  9. I have been reading through this thread and i agree that the server becomes alot quieter in the "off" hours between 12-6 emc time. But that has been the case since i joined. I have been on the empire since 2012 and i have always been on smp9. As to the thingyou said about making the community stronger it really isnt hard to type /smp# to go to a diffrent server and talk to people. As for promos they are items to help us the players out they are sold so we can use them what players decide to do with them after that is up to them. So in the past 1500 or so days i have been playing on emc i can tell you this for certin, players change people leave due to irl or just move on but i have stuck around emc for the community i dont think the community is lacking. I dont see the empire downsizing and if any of you have noticed the fun and games tp at spawn they are working on giving emc a new area for people to go and play. This is just my opinion but i thought i would gove my 2 cents
  10. I agree with you, but I do feel like some empty servers are lacking in the community for that SMP. I feel this way because no one is selling stuff much anymore, No one is buying from local reses much anymore, Not many is working together anymore, and not many are chatting anymore. When I joined I don't remember SMPs with everybody board sometimes.
  11. I sincerely apologize if this comes off as rude or bigoted, but... please. Simple punctuation and grammar never killed anyone. It would make people probably also respond less negatively to you if you did speak a bit more clearly, and it would convey your point better. This is not an attack, but rather a suggestion. It can only help in the long run. :)

    I see what you are trying to say, however, that's just not going to work. ShelLuser put it perfectly. You can take steps to get your SMP to be more active. I'll even help - I'm hosting an Ender Miners an event on January 7th at 8:00 PM EMC time. Why not head over to the thread here and vote for your home SMP to be the SMP it gets hosted on?
  12. Ok when will this thread end? I never did a thread before.........................
  13. You can have the staff lock it if your done with it. use the report button on the bottom of the posts.
    We3_MPO and Sgt_Pepper4 like this.
  14. Oh i will let people still comment then.
  15. This whole thread in a nutshell:
  16. I love you
  17. this is a message set from the meme gods
    Tigerstar likes this.
  18. yeah, i was around when you joined. in fact i was online the second you joined. i was a mod back then and the REASON smp6 was so populated was because i brought people there, and the ones i liked that ended up there through the system i encouraged to stay. people like Anonreturns, and effinbatman, and most of the smp6 mods all stuck around there because i did my part and made their experience interesting and engaging. sounds to me like you dont want to put in the work to do the same. the easy way out isnt going to make you have more quality friends.
  19. I have seen a bunch of these threads.

    Simple; you are losing interest. So is everybody else. Hate to say it but the majority of people who play EMC actively for 300+ days will probably take a break, just because they get bored. It is really a cycle of interest, for me at least. I've played for four to five years now and I think that Minecraft can get boring after a hundred straight days of playing. Either I've done everything, or my projects don't really reward me enough to justify the work that goes into them. I have been active for three or four separate times over my EMC career, and that is just how it goes.

    Hope you keep having a good time on the empire, but if you don't, it is not something to blame on lack of content. EMC is the best server ever, and you need to remind yourself that your personal boredom, or even other players bad experiences should not affect the standing of the community. Bye!